Flight from Hell

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Book: Flight from Hell by Yasmine Galenorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yasmine Galenorn
as she’s here. She has to earn her powers back. As of now, Shimmer can only shift into dragon form while underwater. Blue dragons are water-breathers, you know, connected with the water on an elemental level. Her powers of flight are gone, too. They removed her ability to breathe fire. She still has super strength, to a degree, and limited forms of water magic. I’m not sure which spells she can still cast. And she’s unable to return to the Dragon Reaches unless she’s summoned by the Wing Liege.”
    â€œThat’s severe. Can she travel through the Ionyc Sea?” Camille paled. She, better than any of us, understood what it would mean for a dragon to be stripped of so many of her powers.
    â€œNot on her own. She’s effectively soil-bound.” Alex shrugged. “Not easy, but she could have been killed. Had a hand cut off, or been wing-strapped for a long period of time.”
    â€œI’m amazed that the white dragon family she stole from didn’t tear her apart.” Camille frowned. “So she can fight like hell, and use limited magic. Her hair still move on its own?”
    I repressed a grin. That was one of the things my sister loved most about her dragon-husband . . . in fact, she jokingly called it bondage hair.
    Alex snickered. “Yeah, it does. I’ve seen it. Though the Wing Liege cut it before she left. Her hair now reaches mid-back. It used to flow to her ankles, she told me. One more humiliation. I understand it grows very, very slowly.”
    â€œThat it does,” Camille sighed. “Anything else?”
    He nodded, slowly. “The Wing Liege fitted her with a magical homing device in case she took it into her head to run off. If I activate it for longer than a few hours, he’ll know that she hit the streets. But it could lead us to her. I promised her that I wouldn’t ever use it unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
    â€œLet’s hope she’s home, stewing it off. If that’s everything, we should talk to Bette and then head out.” Camille paused. “Alex, what the hell
    He rolled his eyes. “She’s one of the Melusine. A water spirit who can change into a snake. A water moccasin, no less. Though mostly she stays in human form.”
    Holy fuck. The Melusine were a strange race. They weren’t Fae, not really. They were dangerous, sensuous, and alluring. Their looks and age didn’t factor into their seductive natures at all. Bette might be off putting to us, but to an FBH? I had no doubt she was kicking the sheets on a regular basis.
    â€œWhere the hell did you meet her?” Not only were the Melusine strange, but they were rare, as far as I knew.
    Alex laughed. “Bette and I used to be an item . . . don’t let your eyes deceive you. She’s one hell of a lover. But about a hundred years ago, we decided we worked better as friends. We argue too much when we’re involved, and we’re both as stubborn as a couple of pack mules. We’ve traveled together ever since. Good friends are hard to come by in this world.”
    And with that, he led us out into the waiting area. Bette gave us a long look, then cackled. “You told them what I am, didn’t you, sugar?” She winked at Camille. “Chickadee, you’re just too pretty. I could eat you up, I could.”
    As Camille coughed, I let out a bark of laughter. Delilah averted her eyes and I could tell she was trying not to laugh, as well.
    â€œWell, you must want something. Spill it, girls.”
    Bette’s ever-present cigarette hung off her lip, and her eyes twinkled in the most disconcerting fashion. I found myself liking her more and more, and that in itself was highly disturbing.
    â€œWe know you and Shimmer talked a lot. Did she say anything the past week that seemed off? Did she mention anything out of the ordinary?”
    Bette frowned, reaching under her shirt to scratch

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