Five Parts Dead

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Book: Five Parts Dead by Tim Pegler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Pegler
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make sense. What’s so scary about a couple of blokes begging for food? Maybe there’s more in the log…’
    Fumbling, I grab the book and drag it back onto our knees.

    F EBRUARY 15
Squally unsettled weather with mist and rain. Winds varying from the WNW to SW.
    Distressed to record that we have been robbed. The men who took advantage of our hospitality last night fled this morning, taking with them oilskins, knives, larder supplies and one of our horses. They were seated at my table devouring breakfast when Mr Sam entered the room. On seeing them, he immediately asked for a private audience with me. Mr Sam then informed me that when the Loch Awe foundered, these men had commandeered the lifeboat and disembarked without taking the women and children or any other passengers on board. Mr Sam did his utmost to hold on to the lifeboat, beseeching the men to remain and assist their fellow passengers. They broke his grasp by bludgeoning his hands with the oars.
    He told me they were foul murderers who ought to be tried in a court of law—he had refrained from telling their tale because he believed them to have perished at sea and did not wish to speak ill of the dead.
    When we returned from the drawing room, the men had decamped. We gave chase and Mr Sam intercepted them at the stable where they held Miss Wilton with a knife to her throat. They released her only once they were ready to mount one of our horses—one beast between them as the mare has fallen lame.
    I had to restrain Mr Sam from pursuing them on foot. He is not yet fully restored and tires quickly. Sadly we cannot spare men to search the scrub for them.
    I have signalled for assistance and written a letter to the authorities at Donington, appraising them of the cowardly thieves approaching. We will endeavour to signal the next passing vessel to carry the news, but visibility remains poor.
    At noon we interred Captain Wilton’s body at our small cemetery at Nolan’s Return. Mr Sutton assures me the soil is sufficiently deep here to ensure he will not be exposed by the elements again. We must not have a repeat of the spectre that confronted Miss Lily.
    Construction of the horse-drawn flying fox at the Return is almost complete. This will greatly enhance our capacity to unload supplies, though the need for a replacement beast remains acute…
    F EBRUARY 27
Commenced with dark gloomy weather with frequent showers of rain from the NW. At 4 squally. At 6 ditto. Extinguished light at 8.
    Mr Sam is almost back to full health but cannot rest at the thought of Ewing and Pierson remaining at liberty. We signalled to a barque sailing west but they did not acknowledge our message. I have told Mr Sam we will send word of the thieves on the supply schooner Yatala but he is determined not to wait.
    F EBRUARY 28
Commenced with fresh breeze SW by W, drizzling rain and dark gloomy weather. From 4 till 9 moderate breeze at SSW & passing showers of rain. From 9 till noon ditto breeze, misty & overcast.
    I could not persuade Mr Sam to delay his pursuit any longer. The mare remains lame so he departed on foot, headed NE to Donington. Miss Lily bade him a tearful farewell, walking with him as far as the cemetery. He promised to return to the Cape with news of his endeavours. I will write to the Board, commending his diligence and seeking to employ him as an underkeeper, as we could use the extra hands…
    M ARCH 4
Commenced with strong winds from the NNE with frequent showers of rain. At noon, a ship to the WSW.
    Miss Lily appears extremely lonely with Mr Sam gone and often lingers at the lighthouse for companionship in the evenings. Mrs Bellows complained to me directly that it is not appropriate that a young woman spend so much time alone with the male keepers. I laughed and assured her that Miss Lily made the long shifts more bearable. Mrs Bellows stated, ‘That, Captain, is precisely what I am concerned

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