Five: Out of the Dark

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Book: Five: Out of the Dark by Holli Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holli Anderson
layer of dust and rat droppings. It wasn’t very often we found even one usable chair down there. On the far side of the room, a dirty, but probably beautiful, dark wood bar spanned at least twenty feet along one wall. The glass shelves behind the bar were all shattered, but part of a mirror was intact.
    Reinforced with multiple support columns and huge ceiling beams, the building’s frame gave me confidence in its structural soundness. There were small chandeliers with dangling crystals hanging from the ceiling, covered in dust and cobwebs, but otherwise fine. This was the perfect hideout for us. I’d been looking for a place like this, somewhere the five of us could stay more permanently. The entrance upstairs was so dilapidated that no one—except Seth—would even think about entering there. Plus, we would make it look like something besides an entrance anyway, with our wards.
    I couldn’t help myself. I hugged Seth. Hard.
    A huge grin formed on Halli’s freckled pixie face as the realization of what I was thinking dawned on her.
    “We can stay here, can’t we?” she asked.
    We all acted like we didn’t mind moving around so much, but everyone wants a secure place to stay, a place to call home. I was sure we’d found that.
    “I think so, Hal. We’ll have to run it by Alec and Johnathan first, but I think it’s wonderful!”
    “Good. Let’s go get our stuff, then,” Seth said, smiling from ear to ear.
    A few hours later, after we’d hauled our meager belongings to our new hideout, I sent Seth back to wait for Johnathan and Alec, so he could show them where we were. Halli and I set to cleaning, which was something we usually didn’t bother with when we moved. What was the point if we were just leaving in a few days? The most amazing thing was that we actually had running water! I guess an illegal gambling hall, hidden from the authorities, had just been hooked into someone else’s water line and it had never been shut off. We found scraps of cloth and set to work straightening chairs and tables and cleaning all the dust off them. The worst part was cleaning up the rat droppings—and hearing the scuttling of the vile rodents in the walls.
    It wasn’t too long before we heard footsteps above. And then voices.
    “Seth, what in the world could possibly be in
that you are so excited to show us?” Alec asked.
    “Just wait. You won’t believe this!”
    “It really doesn’t look safe,” Johnathan said, his voice wary. “I thought you said the girls were here. Where are they?”
    I heard the guys stop at the opening to the stairwell.
    “Ta da! They’re down there!” An image of Seth gesturing grandly down the stairs passed through my mind.
    No one moved for a moment, and then Seth said, “I guess I’ll go first … sissies.”
    He clopped down the steps as only boys can do. Halli and I stood a little ways from the base. I couldn’t wait to see Johnathan’s face at the sight of this place. Johnathan stepped down into the room after Seth. He stopped, eyes widening as he took it all in. Alec pushed him out of the way so he could step off the bottom step and come all the way in.
    Never one for speechlessness, Alec said, “This place is too cool! Wow! Good job, Seth.” He took off to inspect the bar.
    “Well, what do you think, John?” I asked.
    “It’s amazing. Do you think it’s safe?”
    “It seems to be. The supports are stronger than any we’ve seen down here before. I think it was built to resist an earthquake! Oh, and the best thing, even better than having actual chairs to sit on? Wait for it … wait for it …
running water!
” I was unable to contain my excitement. The boys were great about rigging water pipes for our use. But, having a real sink with working pipes made it seem almost like a real home.
    “Seriously?” He was awed by my proclamation.
    I just smiled, grabbed his hand and led him over to the sink behind the bar where I turned the rusty faucet and, voilà!

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