First Watch: A Watcher Bay Adventure

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Book: First Watch: A Watcher Bay Adventure by Auburn Seal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Auburn Seal
Tags: Post-Apocolyptic Sci-Fi
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continent of Iantha, which separated New Seattle in Anthemia from the country of Rasia , specifically the village of Glanmorr. Waiting for them was Watcher Bay Outpost where Abramov built in preparation for this mission. They’d already been in the air for hours, and Levra expected they would be landing soon.
    They flew high above the clouds, so there wasn’t much to see. Levra passed the time replaying events from the last two weeks since Gunnar had returned home.
    She had plenty of time to think. Maybe too much time.
    She recalled Gunnar’s explanation of their mission.
    “The purpose,” he’d explained to her, “is to build a lasting bridge between the crew at Watcher Bay Outpost and the villagers at Glanmorr, and foster the beginnings of community between the local clan and the crew at Watcher Bay Outpost. We’ll also survey the neighboring lands for a site suitable to build a satellite city, similar to the proximity of New Seattle and the village of Dwyr. Abramov is committed to establishing strong ties with the Ddaeran community.”
    As they flew across the expanses of New Eden she held high hopes for this mission and any part she might be able to play in it. She knew the Founders had much to learn from the Ddaeran natives and their simple way of life. Beyond their incredible psychic abilities, the villagers at Dwyr lived in harmony with the land and its natural resources.
    Her thoughts turned to the nature of the relationship between her own people, the Founders, and the Ddaerans.
    The Ddaerans could certainly benefit from some of the technology the Founders had to offer. The relationship between the two cultures had been a mostly positive one in New Seattle, and Levra looked forward to being instrumental in creating a similar relationship in this new area. She and Gunnar had decided not long after they’d arrived on New Eden that they wanted to spend their lives among the Ddaerans. They admired their simple yet rich lifestyle and had always planned to raise their children among them. It seemed that, in a strange twist of circumstances, she was nearer than she’d imagined possible to living among them.
    She remembered her history classes back on Earth when she’d learned about the adversarial relationship between the European settlers and the Native Americans. One story that had always captivated her was the mysterious disappearance of the English colony at the island of Roanoke. As she traveled to uncharted territory with her own children, she had a surreal moment where she thought she might be able to relate to the feelings of those European settlers as they made their way to what would become America. She couldn’t imagine those immigrants had held ill-will toward the natives, and she knew she held New Eden’s native population in high regard.
    Levra hoped desperately there would be a different outcome here with the Ddaeran clan than there had been with the Europeans and the Indians in sixteenth-century America. She had reason to be hopeful, because the arrangement in New Seattle had worked so well. Other than the last few weeks when the passage of the Disclosure Act required Ddaerans to register their abilities. Things had grown tense since then, and Levra was somewhat glad she and Mera were able to avoid anymore complications with the BDA, at least for now. The founding settlers of New Eden had worked very purposefully to avoid making the same mistakes as the Europeans who settled America. She’d heard rumors over the years about other Founder settlements who had encountered many issues with the native population, but she was intent on making sure it didn’t happen here.
    Something she couldn’t quite identify felt off about this mission, though. Gunnar seemed rather vague on the purpose, and she felt an undertone of something sinister in his conversations about the Ddaeran people. She hoped this was her leftover irritation with him and the rushed nature of the situation clouding her judgment. He

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