First Kiss (Heavy Influence)

Read Online First Kiss (Heavy Influence) by Ann Marie Frohoff - Free Book Online

Book: First Kiss (Heavy Influence) by Ann Marie Frohoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Marie Frohoff
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                  “Not exactly, I only said it’s something I’ve wanted to learn, and he offered.”
                  “Oh, I see. I’m sure he felt obligated.”
                  I really hated how she treated me and I was glad she was jealous. Moments went by and I continued to do the dishes hoping she would leave because I was running out of dishes to wash.
                  “You wanna hand me your plate?”
                  “You know Aly, you better be careful,” her tone changed. It almost sounded like she cared. “Boys like Jake only want one thing, and a fresh like you is just what’s on the menu.”
                  My stomach sank. What was she saying? I thought of all the stories Greg would tell us late at night in Nicole’s back yard about his brothers hooking up with chicks. It made my stomach turn. But I couldn’t talk to Allison, she wasn’t trustworthy. She would sell me out to my parent’s for sure.
                  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I glared at her. My hand dropped to my side, dripping water onto the floor. She made me sick. What kind of sister would really be jealous of her younger sibling? But it was always that way. She would always try to be the best, to out shine me, to be a bitch.
                  She sighed, hedging on her words, choosing carefully. Then she looked me in the eyes. “Aly, I’m serious. I’m not trying to be the mean big sister. Guys like Jake only want one thing, and once they get it, its dump city. There are other things you need to be concerned with too, so just be careful.”
                  I was finally alone in the kitchen. I looked at the clock. 8pm. I went to the couch to get my bag and noticed Jake’s shirt laying there. I picked it up and stuffed it back in my bag before digging for my phone. I dialed Nicole’s number.
                  “Hey, it’s me,” I whispered. I dreaded talking to her.
                  “Where the hell have you been? We’ve been waiting for you all day. Nadine is freaking out. We hung out on the corner, waiting for you to show up. Jake never came out of his house. We knocked on your door at 4pm and your sister said you weren’t home”.
                  “I was home. I was sleeping, I didn’t feel well.” I didn’t want to lie but I felt like I had to. I wanted to tell her, but I just couldn’t.
                  “Oh, I’m sorry. Are you feeling better?”
                  “Yeah, I’m fine now. I think it’s just the heat.”
                  “Okay, are you coming over tomorrow? Matt’s gonna be home, so you know he’ll be over here.”
                  This perked my interest. “Yeah, I’ll be over.”
                  “Ok, see you tomorrow. Oh, and call Nadine, she’s comin’ outta her skin to know what went down with Jake.”
                  “Sure. See ya tomorrow.” I hung up the phone, unsure of what to feel. Matt was gonna be home. Normally I would be excited. But I only thought of Jake and watched the minutes tick by as I waited for my parents to tuck in.
                  I decided to take a shower. I normally took showers in the morning, but since I was going to Jake’s I wanted to feel good. Why should this be any different than all the other times we watched movies together? Yeah right, whom was I kidding? I liked him now that was the difference. This wasn’t the same – at least not for me.
                  9pm rolled around quicker than I wanted it too. I was nervous. I heard my parents disappear into their bedroom. I brushed my damp hair and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. My sister was just getting out of the shower.
                  “What are you doing tonight?” I asked, trying to sound

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