Fire's Flame [Elements Book 1]

Read Online Fire's Flame [Elements Book 1] by C. L. Scholey - Free Book Online

Book: Fire's Flame [Elements Book 1] by C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Scholey
Tags: Erotic Romance Fantasy
garbage into their living rooms?”
    “I bet some humans have a sneaky suspicion you are the one who tracks dirt into their home—especially the women.”
    “It’s not nearly as amusing as it sounds. Although, I do laugh when a tree root pokes its way into a septic tank. Shit’s not so funny when it’s in your own backyard.”
    “I had better go stop the fire,” Ignis said. “Ventus is watching the humans for now. I also need to check on Flame.”
    “Not to worry, Nimbus is with her. I was in the rain forest before you called, catching my own peek; your Flame is a real beauty.”
    “Joining with a human is new to me,” Ignis mused. “Have you ever been drawn to one?”
    “Many times, but none have turned my head as your Flame turns yours. I am keeping my eye on a certain little female who wants to save the Earth single-handedly. A real firecracker, she keeps me busy. I’ve saved her cute ass on more than one occasion.”
    “Sounds amusing.”
    “It is at times; others, the vixen gets caught in not only natural disasters but corporate ones. There are evil humans who would kill just to dump poison in rivers. This little human female is her own natural disaster, she gets under my skin like black dirt under nails—hard to ignore.”
    Ignis stood shaking his head as Terra slipped back into the Earth. The ground welcomed Terra into its midst like a lover and Ignis wondered if his brother had made love to a human underground. It would be hard for a female to get used to that—after all, bodies were buried under the ground. Most often, humans walked on the Earth blind to the life beneath their feet.
    Ignis went back into the cabin and walked into the fireplace, it still burned brightly. It was time to gain control of his wayward fire.
    * * * *
    Flame stretched as the warm sun beat down on her from a ripple in the high foliage. A slight breeze ruffled her hair, sending strands across her bared breasts to tease her nipples. The sounds of nature were in abundance and she rose and gave a cautious glance to her left, then right. The ground was soft beneath her feet, cool, damp. A few nosey insects fluttered near her face before flying off as though they had a great secret.
    The feel of liquid lazily making its way down her inner thigh distracted her. Curiously, Flame watched as her lava blood steamed and hissed its way over her unmarred skin. She scooped up a small amount onto her fingertip and studied the substance as she rolled it. It was thicker than blood, the smell wasn’t metallic, more sulphur; it wasn’t unpleasant, just different. As she studied the strange occurrence, the small bit on her finger darkened and solidified and dropped to the ground between her feet. She shuddered, wondering if the lava would congeal and dry up inside of her.
    “Ignis?” she called.
    “It won’t last much longer,” was heard to her right.
    Flame spun and was soon facing Ignis as he appeared through a massive wall of flames searing the ground beneath his feet. The red and orange hues rolled impressively before a sudden downpour of rain sizzled the foliage to quiet embers.
    “You may leave now,” Ignis said into the wind and Flame knew his brother, Nimbus, had been watching over her. Flame had other worries.
    “I can’t dress with this crap flowing, I’d burn the material.”
    “There’s a small pond not far from here. I’ll take you to it, once washed the lava should stop flowing.”
    “I hope you’re right—it’s kinda freaking me out.”
    “Lava is the earth bleeding, it’s no wonder it has sought out your woman’s time. Your womb is your center, you can forge new life. Lava gives birth to hard earth, rock; it creates new stepping stones on the breast of Mother Nature. Lava was a gift our mother gave to Terra when he was but a small child. He found it greatly amusing, as did I. Like human children, he could take the one toy and using the cold rock he could make things from building blocks—like

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