The Baddest Ass (Billy Lafitte #3)

Read Online The Baddest Ass (Billy Lafitte #3) by Anthony Neil Smith - Free Book Online

Book: The Baddest Ass (Billy Lafitte #3) by Anthony Neil Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Neil Smith
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is she is a hospital? What sort of shit—you could have told me—"
    Wincing. "A psychiatric hospital, Billy. She needs time."
    "You telling me she's crazy?" He's hunching, coming out of his chair. The guards take a step forward, hands free, ready. Mrs. Hoeck can't help but take a sharp breath. They could stun him, spray him, wrestle him, right in front of his son. But Billy catches it, relaxes again and says, "It's fine," over his shoulder. "Bad news from home is all."
    Ham hides behind his grandmother. Hands in his pockets.
    Billy says, "She's crazy? What's this all about?"
    "Not in front of Ham. She…had some trouble. She…wanted to hurt herself."
    He hangs his head low, rubs his fingers on his forehead. The phone is loose in his hand, and Mrs. Hoeck thinks he's going to drop it. But he doesn't. He grips it tighter and says, "Pills?"
    She shakes her head. "It's been very hard on her."
    "You know, before all, like, all of this," He waves his hand around. "I had a dream about her. Her wrists were bandaged, like before, you know? And I thought that was weird. Why right then, at that moment? Why? But…we've always had, you know, a connection—"
    "Don't do that. Don't say that."
    "—just knew, right? Somehow. If you had never, uh…you and that asshole husband of yours…do you think I wanted to lose my family? Do you really think I would have ever hurt them?"
    "That's enough. This is about your son. Ham needs to see what you really are. You know he does. And you're going to tell him what happened because you denied the Lord and you let the Devil push all of your buttons—"
    "Fuck you, you sanctimonious bitch."
    "I'm not going to be spoken to like this."
    "Maybe if you'd listen once in a while."
    "This was a mistake. I shouldn't have." She stands, but can't put down the phone yet. "I came all this way."
    "You could have told me about Ginny when you called."
    "All this way, hoping you would do the right thing just once. Just once ." Her voice grows louder. She's shaking.
    "I thought Jesus told you to come. Was he wrong? Did he fuck up?"
    She sucks in a lungful. Then, "It's not even a single demon in there, is it? It's a whole legion. That's who you are. I bet there's not one shred of Billy Lafitte left."
    "Shit, you're gonna start speaking in tongues now, aren't you?"
    She sets the phone on the desk so Billy can still hear and pulls Ham from behind her. Hands on his shoulders, turns him towards his father, still sitting there with the handset pressed to his ear. "Wave good-bye to your Father. I don't think we'll need to see him after this."
    "I don't want to."
    "It's not for you. It's for him. Wave to the man and we'll leave."
    "Can I talk to him again?"
    "No, sweetie. He was very disrespectful."
    "Will he ever come home?"
    "This is his home and he can never leave. And he will never again say hateful things to you or your mother. This is what the Devil can do to you."
    Billy grows redder by the second. He finally coughs and says, loud enough to be heard even with the phone far away, "I'd bet on my devil against your Jesus any day, woman."
    "Come on, Ham."
    Once more from the phone, rattling like a kazoo. "Raise him however you want, but that boy's Lafitte blood. You hear me?" And now the long room echoed. "You fucking hear me?"
    They walk towards the guard standing at the door. Small quick steps, the pink coat dragging the ground under one arm while she holds onto Ham with the other. He's about to open the door when all the lights go out.
    Just like that. It's all dark.
    And on the other side of the glass, it gets loud.

Chapter 8

    Ri'Chess is taken away first, leaving Colleen to get dressed, catch her breath. He didn't have the biggest cock, so she doesn't really hurt down there. But the fat fucker had definitely bruised other parts of her. And then the first condom broke and before she even knew or could do anything about it, he'd ripped both off and just gone on all the way. What could she do? By then she was on her

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