Finding Valor

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Book: Finding Valor by Charlotte Abel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Abel
was his wife made his pulse race and plastered a grin across his face so wide it made his cheeks ache.  
    He wished he could remember their wedding night, but he must not have wished it hard enough because that particular memory remained locked away in the deepest recesses of his mind. Or maybe there was some other reason he couldn’t remember it? Maybe he didn’t have enough other memories of Channie to justify having access to that one. He needed to earn it.
    Hunter cleared his throat. “I’m glad you remember finding Channie. It’s a good sign. But we’ve still got lots of work to do. I’d like to figure out the rest of these here instructions before I hit the road.”
    It was after one when Kassie announced it was time for a lunch break. She ordered three extra-large meat-lover’s pizzas, so they’d have enough for supper as well. The hours passed in a blur of flashbacks, magical rhymes and cold pizza.
    Josh replayed the memory of Channie’s kiss over and over in his mind. Hunter was reading out loud again. His voice was nothing but white noise; until he punched Josh’s arm.
    “Pay attention. This is important.”
    “Ow!” Josh rubbed his arm. “What’s important?”
    “This is.” Hunter underlined the words as he read them…

Release this book into the daughter’s care
But of the mother, let all beware.
For evil lurks in a corrupted heart
And seeks its own will to impart. The blood of the daughter cannot repay
The debt of the mother ’til solstice day.
    “You’ve read that, and everything else, like twenty times already.” Josh was still having a hard time focusing.  
    “I cain’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner. Everything hinges around winter solstice. The total eclipse, your birthday and of course the final showdown with Dominance. I must be a lot more tired than I thought.” Hunter laughed. The aura surrounding him shone brighter. “Channie’s momma ain’t gonna try to sacrifice her before then. That gives us more time to come up with a plan.”  
    “If you want to get some sleep before you leave that’s fine. But I don’t want you to postpone rescuing Channie just because you think we have a little extra time.”
    “It’s more than just a little extra time.” Hunter wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Winter solstice ain’t till December twenty-first.”
    “I’m not going to wait nine months. Channie was kidnapped. She’s being held against her will and who knows what else her mother is doing to her. She could be torturing her.” The thought tied Josh’s stomach into a knot and drove a knife of pain through his glowing chest. “If you won’t go get her I will.”
    “But, the book says—”
    “I don’t care what the damn book says.” Josh shoved his chair away from the table as he stood up.
    “Don’t get your drawers in a bind.” Hunter chased a bite of cold pizza with several gulps of Mountain Dew. “I wasn’t planning on waiting until the last second. But knowing we’ve got that much time to work with changes priorities.”
    “So, when are you leaving?”
    “When I’m sure you can defend yourself.” Hunter arched his eyebrows and sat up a little straighter. “Maybe all you need to do is curse someone for the Book of the Dead to decide it’s okay for you to go with me to rescue Channie.”
    “Okay. I’ll try to curse Eric at school tomorrow.”
    “Now you’re talking!” Hunter’s grin was downright devious.
    “But we are not kidnapping him. Understand?”  
    “Whatever.” Hunter rolled his eyes but when they got to the top of his head, they drifted shut.  
    Josh glanced at the clock on the wall. Was it really eleven forty-five? “My brain is toast. I need to go for a ride.”
    Hunter yawned and stretched. “It’s a little late to go for a ride.”
    “Fresh air helps clear my mind.”
    Kassie grinned like a villain in an old movie. “That’s an excellent idea. You go clear your head and I’ll stay here and help

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