The Torn, Book One of the Holding Kate Series
Ash’s voice.
    “It’s fine. No one questions Trip’s alpha role,” Corey stated with a twinge of resignation in his voice that bothered me. I don’t know why, what he said was true enough. If we wanted to survive, Trip was the man to lead us. I think it was just the fact that my sweet Corey had lost his bliss. I couldn’t stand the thought. It sent a pang through my heart. I squeezed his hand and laced my fingers through his.
    Trip’s body relaxed a bit, and he tightened his arm around my waist. Good grief! What a freakin’ mess.
    The mist billowed greenish gray fingers in a buffeted spiral, then began to dissipate. I could see Tara’s face darken as her eyes traveled down my body to see Trip’s arms around my waist, protectively, then they traveled down my arms first right, then left to see me holding hands with Corey and Ash. Her eyes darted to mine and burned with distaste. Her nostrils flared and she crossed her arms over her chest. I dropped Ash’s hand first and then reluctantly released Corey’s, glancing at him desperately hating the vacuum between us. Trip stepped forward between me and Corey, severing the connection completely.
    “It looks like this fog is starting to clear. We should be able to move soon.” Trip scanned the mist tinged landscape. Dark tree limbs appeared to be floating in the mist half way up a steep incline. A cylinder of white pierced the mist and shards of light beamed down through the smoky haze in pillars of luminescence. It was eerie, yet breathtaking.
    “Let’s head up the hill. I’ll lead. Tara, you bring up the rear. If you see anything we can make into a weapon, pick it up.” Trip set off toward the incline pulling me along behind him.
    “I wish we hadn’t left our swords in the Scriptorium,” Tara mumbled. “I feel naked without it.”
    Ash chuckled. “Oh, that’s why you feel naked?”
    I glanced back to see her—in her thong and gladiator shield bra—glare at him, and he coughed awkwardly. I caught Corey’s eye and he winked at me with a big grin on his face. My face flushed warmth and I smiled back. Ash was scurrying along behind him biting his lip and Tara frowned at his back.
    An enormous shadow passed over us. Trip froze and scanned the misty sky above us.
    “That was too big for a bird,” Corey murmured behind me and stepped forward until we were shoulder to shoulder.
    We became very still listening and scanning. The only sound was my pounding heart. Fear sliced through me with every thudump.
    Tara and Ash stepped up and we all put our heads together. “We should split up,” Tara said. “We will be more likely to find food, shelter, weapons, water.”
    “We could get lost in all this fog!” I disagreed. “We need to wait until we know more about this place.”
    “Tara is right. We could be here a long time. The sooner we get settled, the better,” Ash interjected.
    Corey shook his head. “I don’t know, guys. It just doesn’t seem right to separate. We were all chosen to be here for a reason. All we know for sure is that this is an exercise in cooperation. Splitting up doesn’t seem to fit.”
    We all looked to Trip. His would be the deciding vote.
    “I agree with Tara.” He cut worried eyes to me. “The sooner we can defend ourselves, the better our chances of survival.”
    I looked down at my arms, frustrated that they could only think of physical survival. There was more at stake here, but only Corey and I seemed to understand that, and we were outnumbered.
    “Fine,” I snapped. “Corey and I will climb the hill and see if we can get above the fog bank. We need to know what we are up against.”
    Trip started to shake his head.
    “She’s right, Trip,” Tara agreed, a little too quickly, I thought. “Ash and I will skirt the incline this way.” She pointed over her shoulder. “You go that way and we will meet on the other side of the hill, then we can pick our way back here and climb to meet Kate and Corey.”
    Trip gazed

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