Finding Pride (Pride Series)

Read Online Finding Pride (Pride Series) by Jill Sanders - Free Book Online

Book: Finding Pride (Pride Series) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
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Megan turned her head to see what had taken his attention away.
    Todd stood just inside the doorway, his fists were balled by his sides. He had a fierce look on his face and was staring at his brother like he wanted to tear him apart. Todd quickly signed in jerked motions to his brother. Megan was starting to shake and feel uncomfortable around the display of anger. Iian signed something back to Todd and his whole attitude changed. He shoved his fists in his jean pockets and walked back out the door without another word. Megan could hear him pacing on the front porch.
    “I’m sorry, what was that all about?” Megan asked looking back up at Iian.
    “He thinks I was the cause for your tears,” he said. Then he put a hand lightly on her shoulder, which caused her to wince a little. The bruises had started to fade, but the muscles would take a while still to feel better. Iian noticed and removed his hand as if he had burned her, and quickly looked away. “He wants to talk to you. I must be going; maybe you will stop by the restaurant for dinner tonight? We could continue our conversation.” He asked, looking back at her for an answer.
    “That sounds great.” Megan said.
    “Good, I’ll see you tonight then.” He leaned over and placed a small kiss on her cheek. Megan really did like Iian and his laid back ways, she was starting to feel more comfortable around him every time she saw him. Todd, on the other hand, made her feel like a bundle of nerves. She didn’t know what to think about the anger she had seen in his face, she felt comforted that he cared about her, but could have done without seeing the anger.
    When Iian left the room, she started to look through some of the advertising ideas that they had come up with. She didn’t hear Todd come back into the room, but instantly knew when he stood in the door way. Her stomach did this little nervous jump, and her skin tingled. She looked up slowly and stared into those silvery eyes.
    “I’m sorry about barging in, the front door was open, and well – I suppose I’m used to coming and going around here,” he said with a shrug as he walked over and sat on the couch.
    “That’s alright. I don’t mind. I’m actually enjoying feeling like part of your family. Everyone has made me feel very welcomed. Your brother said you needed to speak with me.”
    “Yes, well – how are you adjusting?” he said, looking a little uncomfortable. “I hope my brother doesn’t bother you too much.”
    “ No, not at all, we were just discussing business. I think I’ve decided to following through with Matt’s plans for the Bed and Breakfast.”
    “That’s why I came to talk to you. As you may know, your brother and I were business partners. I usually took care of all his legal aspects of the business, and well, to be honest Matt trusted me to take care of this part as well,” he said and pickup up the file he had tossed on the couch beside him. “This is a copy of your brother’s will,” he said walking over and setting it on the desk over the file that Meg had been looking at. “I know you have already talked to Matt’s lawyer, but I just wanted to deliver these other papers directly to you.”
    Megan slowly opened it. At first glance it seemed very confusing.
    “It looks very confusing, but it actually is pretty simple.” Todd said moving behind her. “You know that your brother named you successor of all his assets, well, it’s the stock he had in our business I wanted to talk to you about.”
    She knew by the meeting with Matt’s lawyer a few days earlier, that there was about twenty acres that came with the house and five cabins and other buildings. The cars, well, just the old jeep was left after the accident, but it was paid for. The lawyer said that the auto insurance company was going to be cutting a check for the Porsche. Then there was the stocks he had in Jordan Shipping as well as other holdings.

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