my seatbelt and open the door. I’m not sure I want to see his face, nor do I want to show mine; I’m sure it’s too pale and looks haunted. I need to compose myself, put my calm mask back on. After all, it won’t be that difficult since the worst is over.
As I step toward the building, I hear his door open and close and his footsteps closing the space between us. I stiffen, my hands shaking around my keys. What now? If he thinks I’m going to spill everything just like that, he’s fooling himself. Anger is slowly chasing away the hollowness left in the wake of the pain.
“Skye, wait a minute please.” His pleading tone stops me. I turn around and glance up, locking my eyes with his.
He’s not angry now; he looks lost, maybe even afraid. I don’t really know. I push away some of my frizzy hair and suppress a shiver. The night is freezing. “I think we talked enough for now,” I say in a weak voice that I hate with all my soul. Why do I allow myself to be so weak in front of him? Why do I let him see me like this when I have vowed to myself to never ever show any weakness in front of anyone?
“You’re right, but I don’t want to talk.”
I take in his tall, muscular frame, his intense gaze, and his handsome face with well-defined lips and neatly trimmed black goatee, and I shake my head vehemently. All the air in my lungs leaves me. “I won’t sleep with you.”
He laughs, startling me so much that I almost whimper. He closes his eyes and brings both hands in his hair, tugging on several locks before taking a couple of steps closer to me. “That’s far from what’s on my mind, don’t worry.”
I relax and blush. At least, I think I blush if the heat in my cheeks and the amusement sparkling in his dark eyes is anything to go by. “So what do you want?”
A couple of girls sway past us and walk into the building, giggling and making some crude comments about Duke’s hotness. If they think they’re discreet, they should think again. I cringe and want to disappear. It may sound crazy, but whenever I see something like that, it depresses me. I’ll never be that kind of girl, just having harmless and casual fun with friends because for that, I’d have to let my guard down and I don’t see that day coming any time soon.
“I don’t want to be alone,” he replies in a whisper once the girls are out of earshot. The sorrow in his voice is back. The amusement has vanished, letting me see a glimpse of the broken man he is.
I take a look at the building where several windows are alight. Most of the residents are out partying or just chilling out with friends and family. “No talking,” I say and gesture for him to follow me.
He is hot on my heels, as we climb two flights of stairs, and let ourselves into the narrow room I share with Kate. When he’s in this room it feels even smaller, like he’s using too much space. My bed’s comforter is wrinkled, my Psychology textbook is still open on the chapter I read for the next class, and my laptop is on my bare desk.
For the first time I realize how weird it is to not have a single thing that is not school related on my side of the room and I’m ashamed to see it from Duke’s point of view. It’s cold, just like I want everybody to see me.
I look back at him to gauge what he’s thinking. Granted, he’s already seen my room, but he didn’t stay long then. Right now it’s just us with plenty of time alone, and our emotions are all over the place after our half confessions from earlier.
His leather jacket is draped over his left forearm where he has rolled up his sweater’s sleeves, displaying his tattoos that, if I’m being honest, are quite awesome to look at. His face is slowly relaxing even if his eyes say something else entirely.
I put my jacket in my wardrobe and wave him to do the same if he wants to. He does, which brings us face to face, not saying a word and not
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