Finding Eden

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Book: Finding Eden by Megan Dinsdale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Dinsdale
starting to smell. I blamed the uncooked side and thought about dragging it back to the cave entrance.
    “What exactly are you asking?” His tone was devoid of emotion.
    “You seem hesitant to open up to me in the least bit. Anytime I ask a semi-serious question, you laugh it off, change the subject, or ignore it all together.” I wished I had Teffy right about then. I didn’t want this to turn into an argument, but it seemed I didn’t have a choice.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and besides, it’s none of your business.”
    This man was exasperating and quickly pissing me off.
    “Well, at least give me your name.”
    “No, Blondie. Leave it.”
    “Why? Tell me.”
    “I said it’s none of your business.” Okay, he was getting angry. I hate that I had to go and ruin our perfectly good meal, but I couldn’t help that I was curious; I wanted to understand him better.
    “I’m tired of thinking of a stupid gas station every time I say your name. I want your real one.” I stood up and looked down at him.
    “I’m positive I said that I don’t do names. Leave it at that.” He turned away from me, but I didn’t miss the fact that his face was turning red with anger.
    “I noticed. By the way, my name is Elle . Elle Stevens, to be exact. What’s yours? John? James? Brian? William? Peter? Steven? Say when , Tex.”
    “Stop.” He stood up and walked deeper into the cave where the coyote came from. I followed him.
    “You’re not running away. Stop hiding already. You have the right to your own secrets, but if we’re going to be friends, if we're going to try to live together for a while, you’re going to have to let me in. There’s no better way to start than telling me your name.”
    “Go away, Blondie.” He stopped. Darkness surrounded us; it was thick and inky. I almost ran into the back of him, and before I knew it, I was flat against the cave wall. The jagged rocks dug into my back. Tex’s hand was against my chest, pinning me. I couldn’t move without the crags digging deeper and more painfully into my back. I showed no fear.
    “I want to help you.” I rested a hand on his forearm. “Just let me.”
    “We have to go if we’re going to make it to the next safepoint in time.”
    “Fine, but at least tell me why you won’t tell me your name.” I didn’t know why this mattered to me so much, but it did. He was my friend and I had this desperate, innate need to protect and heal my friends. It had always been that way. It may have been in hibernation the last four years, but it just came back in full force. 
    He was silent for several seconds and then said, “Because it was the last thing out of her mouth.” He walked right by me, packed his things, and waited for me at the entrance. “And I don’t want it to be the last thing out of your mouth or anyone else's.”
    Night had come and so had his first confession.
    [ Tex ]
    I was furious. I was full to the brim with memories I refused to remember. They threatened to spill over and weaken me, but I wouldn’t allow it, especially in front of someone I had just met. I was pissed at myself for giving away as much as I had. It was none of her damned business. That didn’t seem to faze her a bit though. She was clawing at my barriers, desperate to save me. I didn’t need saving, and if I did, I had no desire to be.
                  With around an hour left until sunrise, we were almost to the next safepoint . The kid had stopped nagging me and I greatly appreciated it.
                  “Tex?” She had been trailing behind me since we left, giving me the space I needed to reflect. After giving her that little tidbit of information earlier, I thought it would have been bombs away with the inquisition. I heard her pick up her pace until she was walking beside me. I pretended to be looking down at the map. “I’m sorry about hassling you earlier.”
    “Don’t worry. There’s no point in holding

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