Find Me If You Dare (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Marshall Book 2)

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Book: Find Me If You Dare (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Marshall Book 2) by Rachel Lucas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Lucas
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seemed to be an unspoken language between us that usually doesn’t come into a relationship until after an extended amount of time. I had heard it said that relationships begun under a high amount of stress could be that way. I certainly felt as though I had known him much longer than I actually had.
    He walked beside me down the hall to the chief’s office, our arms brushing occasionally as we walked. Once in the office, Director Phillips was just finishing up a phone call and gestured for us to each take the same seats we had earlier.
    “That was our field office in El Paso,” Phillips explained as he hung up the phone and typed a few notes into his laptop that now sat on the desk. “I was giving them a heads up on the situation.” After he finished his typing he moved that direct gaze back to me. Again, I realized that I never wanted to be interrogated by this man. It felt as though he could see right through you with those dark brown eyes.
    “Ms. Stewart,” he was addressing me formally, which I wasn’t sure I liked, “I want to thank you for your help with our investigation. Your information has been very valuable.” Was he dismissing me? Thanks for the help but we’ll take it from here? I wasn’t certain where this was going. “I have something for you.” He picking up something off the desk and handed it to me. I reached out my hand and took the plastic laminated ID badge attached to a black lanyard. With a shock I looked down at my driver’s license photo and next to that the words: “Caitlyn Stewart, FBI, Special Consultant”.
    “I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of doing a background check on you,” his tone was slightly apologetic, “entirely routine, you know. Anyone involved in an investigation like this is required to be screened. All we could find was a speeding ticket out of North Carolina.” He smiled at that, the first smile I’d seen from him. He seemed like a proud father to have found no dirt on me. “Your ex-husband was a real bastard, by the way, but that’s beside the point.”
    Logan gave me a raised eyebrows look at that comment. I wasn’t one to elaborate on that period of my life. The director continued.
    “I don’t know how long this investigation is going to take. So far, the trail has gone cold since Golden, Colorado, but we’re still early into it,” he put his hands flat on the desk on each side of the laptop. I could sense his fatigue too. “I’ve taken the liberty of contacting your employer at the law firm and requesting a leave of absence for you.”
    My eyes flashed up to his. He did what? Didn’t he realize that I was a struggling student with bills to pay and student loans? I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off.
    “Don’t worry, you’ll be well compensated.” I wasn’t certain what he meant by that. I didn’t make much at the law firm but I liked the job. “Well compensated”? That could mean six figures or it could mean barely more than minimum wage.
    “What about school? I’m a full-time student .” I protested. I couldn’t just drop everything right now.
    “I’ve also talked to the president of your university.” I tried not to gasp at that. I was sure my face was turning a bright red. He talked to the University president? About me? I tried to say something but the words wouldn’t come out. “He was actually a Bureau man himself. Served for five years right out of college. He was more than happy to do a waiver on your classes if this investigation takes up too much of your time. You can just pick up the next semester right where you left off.”
    Was he always this high-handed? In a single conversation my entire life had just been rearranged. I couldn’t decide if I should be angry at the loss of control or humbled that the FBI wanted my help so much. Before I could decide he continued.
    “My forensic psychologist, Madeline Reynolds, got hung up in Atlanta. She should be here in the morning. I’d like for you

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