Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms)

Read Online Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms) by Nicole Snow - Free Book Online

Book: Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms) by Nicole Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Snow
the bed. William stared at me, his boxers hugging the
huge horn rising between his legs. He swung the handcuffs around and
around his fingers, like an old Western gunslinger showing his
    “ Hands up to bars above your head.” He
circled over to me while I obediently did as he asked. “Good.
Now, try not to flinch while I'm getting these into place. They can
be awfully cold. This place hasn't had its heat up all day.”
    He wasn't kidding about the cold. I winced.
    The cold steel wrapped around my wrists, giving each one
a wintry bite. Or was it a kiss? William circled, prowling like a
wolf, slowly inching his way onto it at the base.
    The mattress sank beneath his weight. I curled my
wrists, testing the handcuffs' tension. Each pair held me in place,
not giving an inch, anchoring me to the fat brass bar overhead.
    “ These sleek, smooth legs, little Rose...”
William inhaled sharply and ran his rough hands up my calves, across
my knees, over my thighs. I trembled.
    “ You've got power and grace with your beauty,
baby.” He paused, giving me a few seconds to smile at the
compliment. “But right now, I just want to kiss, lick, and make
these legs shake.”
    He leaned to my right thigh, planting his lips in the
center. His kiss shocked me.
    And there wasn't any time to recover. William's tongue
poked out, lapping its way across my silky surface, rounding to the
side of my inner thigh and snaking toward its target.
    His opposite hand caressed my other leg as he climbed
higher. He was going the slow and seductive route, damn him! My skin
broke out in warm goosebumps, tiny prickles beaming with desire.
    My hips started rising and falling on their own. By the
time he was just an inch away from my steaming, gushing center, I was
dry humping the cool air, hating the handcuffs for keeping me just
beyond his reach.
    Sweat prickled my skin. Ice and fire competed for
possession of my body, but they were no match for William. Handsome,
devilish, masterful William.
    He turned his head and made sure he caught my eyes. We
locked our gazes. I moaned a little, drawing it out as he returned
his face to my thigh, adding one more slick, hot kiss to the steaming
plain quaking beneath him.
    In a savage wink, he turned, heading north.
    “ Oh!” I whimpered. “Oh, oh, please!”
    Nothing felt better than his reward. William buried his
mouth against my slit, touching my lower lips to his. He caught the
sweetness rolling out of me, lapping it up like rich cream.
    It nourished him, entranced him, coaxing out the beast
inside him. I didn't understand how much until his hands gripped my
well kissed thighs, pulling them apart.
    He locked my helpless
legs on his shoulders, giving him all the room in the world for the
searing pleasures he
intended to deliver.
    William's tongue darted out. Starting at the bottom near
my ass, he pushed his rippling flesh through my swollen labia again
and again, hypnotically devouring the wetness.
    Devouring me!
    And it still wasn't enough for my greedy little clit. It
throbbed painfully beneath the lips he was painting with his wet,
masculine heat.
    Each time he licked up and paused for air, he blew hot
kisses on my tiny, pulsating nub, caressing the button sure to send
me into nirvana. I started to pant, unable to hold the primal tempo
beating inside me quiet any longer.
    “ William, William...William!” I called out
his name, over and over, repeating it like a mantra.
    My vision started to blur as he licked me harder. His
tongue wagged, zig-zagging up and down my slit, stopping just short
of my clit. My lungs ballooned, sucking in precious air, filling me
to the point of explosion.
    Fuck, if he didn't lick the dot, and soon, I'd lose my
mind. And maybe that was what he wanted.
    His hands left my legs. He reached up and pinched my
nipples, adding two more precise shocks to my overtaxed body.
    New nerves exploded. It was like his fingers carried a
current; an invincible, killing heat. I threw my head

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