Fates' Folly
glued shut
with eye snot, courtesy of the millions of pollinating pine
    "What?" I growled.
    "I’m leaving," Riley said.
    "Shit. I was hoping it was all a dream," I
said, turning over and covering my head with the pillow.
    Riley moved the pillow.
    "What?" I snarled.
    "I'm leaving. You need to be awake and alert.
Keep that gun of yours handy, just in case."
    I rolled over- he was a blurry mass of gray
leaning over me.
    "What day is it? And where are you
    "Saturday, May19th, 8:15 pm, I have to report
to Hades. He has information for me. What is wrong with your eyes?"
he asked, not even trying to hide the laughter in his voice.
    I looked through my one squinted eye towards
the window, it was almost dark. Wow, I had slept over ten
    "Pollen, allergies- you know love is in the
air, literally," I said, answering Riley's question.
    He didn't respond.
    "The pine trees are pollinating, reproducing,
hence my joke, love is in the air." He still didn't say anything.
"Look, I have allergies. When I'm asleep my eyes seep nasty mucus
that oozes onto my eyelashes and causes my eyes to stick together
because the mucus dried while I was asleep, you know, with my eyes
    "Is that why you snore so badly, as well?" he
    "I do not snore," I said, trying to sound
indignant, knowing I probably looked like Popeye on crack.
    Riley stood up. “You snore louder than
Cerberus in dog form."
    "Why can you tell jokes, but not get mine?" I
    Riley smirked. "It wasn't a joke."
    And he left.
    I made myself get up and go into the
bathroom. I filled the tub with hot water and added some
pomegranate bath bubbles. I don't own any expensive perfume or get
pedicures or massages. I don't shave, pluck or wax any hair that
isn't occupying my legs or underarms. I don't wear makeup, and I
own only one dress. I got my wavy chestnut hair courtesy of my
mama, and -though I inherited her curvy figure, green eyes and
puffy lips, as well – I’d never desired to have my body dressed for
attention as she had. So I would never categorize myself as girly
or overly feminine, but when you grow up not ever having a usable
bathtub, much less any access to bubble bath, you tend to seek out
such things as an adult. I wouldn't say I was obsessive, but I did
enjoy a nice bath.
    I soaked a wash cloth in hot water and laid
it across my closed eyes. I was going to take a moment and forget
my worries of the past day. I was going to relax, let all bad
thoughts float away like the bubbles that surrounded me.
    I was not going to freak out because I heard
some random noise. I live in an old house, and it makes noises all
the time. If it wasn't for the events of the past day I wouldn't
even have thought twice about it.
    "Shit," I said under my breath as I jumped
out of the tub.
    Who was I kidding? There was a soul stealing
maniac who’d had all day to get right and truly pissed, doing the
gods only knew what, while waiting for Riley to leave so he could
enact his revenge on me. And I was in my bathroom, dripping wet and
naked while my gun was safely tucked away in the bedroom.
    “Shit. Shit. Shit.”
    I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes
were wide open, my face pale- I even looked scared. Shit.
    I grabbed a towel off the hook. I could at
least take care of the dripping wet bit, I thought, as I quickly
wrapped the towel around my middle, under my arms.
    "Okay, now what?" I whispered to my
    I looked at the door, waiting to see if the
little glass knob would start to turn. That's when I noticed the
old fashioned key hole. Holy crap, had he been watching me?
    I got down on the floor, hiding under the
sink. I waited for what felt like forever. No new noise and no
movement of the door knob.
    I pinched the sensitive skin on the inside of
my arm, the sharp pain helping me deal with my fear, and then I
made myself lean forward on my knees and peeped through the key
hole. I could see my front door, my school bag lying on the

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