Fates' Folly
over one body part or another."
    I laid my head against the back of the couch,
my eyes beginning to sting. "I'm not cut out for this. Give me a
drunken belligerent mother, or tell me to teach a classroom of
sixteen year olds that Dali is not a big breasted woman who owns a
mountain top amusement park- those I can handle. Angry gods, freaky
red mustached personal trainers and shifting through space, time
and realities with the possibility of missing body parts… I don't
think I can do."
    Riley sat down beside me. I was so tired, so
distraught, that I didn't even flinch when Riley's callused fingers
brushed a tear away.
    "You'll do fine, Myra. You have a lively
soul, and you're a survivor. What you need is sleep."
    I looked up into Riley's gray eyes. He had
taken his glasses off- his gaze was soft and warm.
    "What do you want to do?" I asked.
    "I want to stay here, and I'll want to stay
in your bedroom."
    I closed my eyes, shutting him out. "I don't
like men in my bedroom. I don't know what you overheard between Bo
and me but that was a one-time Freaky Friday kind of thing."
    "I have no intention of sleeping in your bed.
I actually prefer to sleep on the floor. Sebastian has lost your
soul, and I very much doubt he is happy about it. I do not think he
will just go off searching for someone else. It's too difficult to
find a Greek believer, and those are the only souls he could take.
Plus, he has always been a sore loser. He will not just accept the
loss of your soul without committing some act of vengeance."
    "You think he'll come back."
    "Can he still take my soul now that I'm
    "No, but he doesn't know you’re
    "You can't tell? I don't, like, glow or
    Riley smiled. "No, you can't tell. Let's go
to bed."
    I wanted to say okay. It was scary, and I
wasn't being over dramatic when I said I did not like men,
especially in my bedroom. I had lived through too many nights as a
kid waiting for floor boards to creak and door knobs to turn,
signaling an impending visit from one of my mama's overnight
friends. I didn't survive those encounters -keeping a knife and,
later, a gun under my pillow- just to give away the security I had
worked so hard to earn. But I liked Riley, and more importantly, I
trusted him. My creep-o-meter hadn't gone off once since he first
showed up, towering over me. It may have been the familial bond he
described, but in the end, it didn't matter. I was tired and I felt
safer with Riley around.
    "Okay, just don't startle me awake or
anything," I said, heading for the bedroom.
    "Why?" Riley asked, from behind me.
    "I keep a Glock 19 under my mattress."
    "Do you know how to use it?"
    "If you mean do I practice, and can I shoot
anything with accuracy, no. If you mean will I use it if I have to,
yes, I will,” I said handing him an extra blanket and pillow out of
the top of the closet, before climbing into bed.
    Riley began arranging the pillow and blanket
neatly on the floor. "I could teach you accuracy,” he said
    I crawled under the covers and fluffed my
pillows a couple of times. “If they’re close enough for me to want
to shoot, I don’t need to worry about accuracy.”
    “If you change your mind let me know. It
never hurts to be prepared for any possibility.”
    I leaned over the bed, looking down at Riley,
who was lying on his back, his feet crossed at his ankles and his
hands pillowed behind his head.
    “You mean like a soul stealing bastard?”
    Riley chuckled, “Exactly. Sweet dreams,
    “Same to you,” I said, laying down, staring
at the ceiling, wondering if I'd be able to fall asleep. No matter
how much I tried to make my bedroom curtains block out the day, the
sunlight streamed through, but within seconds of closing my eyes,
the pull of the last ten hours dragged me under.
    A hand grabbed my arm and shook me. I opened
my eyes. Actually, I only slightly opened one eye. I can't open one
eye and not the other and, presently my other eye was

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