Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6)

Read Online Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6) by Lee Savino - Free Book Online

Book: Rocky Mountain Wild (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 6) by Lee Savino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Savino
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Squirming did nothing to free her; Calum’s broad legs were sturdy under her body and she could not rock away. She writhed, trying to get her feet to touch the ground, and he steadied her easily with one iron hand, while the other collected her hands and pinned them in the small of her back. Within seconds, her skirts were up and she felt the cool air on her skin, barely protected by her drawers.
    “No!” Her struggles grew more wild.
    “Fight all you want, Phoebe, in the end you’ll be sorry.” He slapped her bottom, the force of his big hand stunning her. It wasn’t so much painful as humiliating. Even after the mock punishment session, she’d never thought she’d end up half-disrobed over her handsome employer’s lap, getting disciplined like a naughty child.
    She shouted but to no avail, his hand smacked down again and again, stinging each cheek. He didn’t pull down her drawers, but he didn’t need to. His bare hand was force enough. He wasn’t using full force, she knew, just enough to chastise her. Of course, after a minute, her bottom felt hot and glowing, and she knew she would still feel sore tomorrow. Her hips twitched, trying to escape his punishing hand, but his other hand gripped her tighter, and he put more force into his smacks until she stopped struggling and submitted.
    “All right, all right. I’ve learned my lesson. You can stop now.”
    His paw continued its rhythm on her bottom, and she felt a little desperate, tears in her eyes dangerously close to falling.
    “Please,” she begged. “I’ll never do it again.”
    “That’s right, lass, you won’t. Now take your punishment; it’ll all be over soon, and we can put this behind us.”
    Her breath came in pants, sobs hitching in her throat.
    “It hurts, it hurts.”
    “It’s supposed to hurt, little bird. You’ll feel it tomorrow, when you walk past the bull’s pen and choose your path.”
    His hand paused and squeezed her flesh through her drawers. Even she could feel how warm her cheeks were to touch. She imagined both globes were as red as bright cherries, the thin fabric not quite hiding their glow.
    “Almost there.” He finished palming her bottom, the rough massage giving her some relief, and started spanking her again.
    She whimpered. “I thought you said I was getting eight.”
    “Eight with the switch, lassie. Quite a few more with my hand for resisting correction.”
    Her bottom throbbing with the cumulated ache of the spanking, and the sting of his new blows, Phoebe tried to suffer the rest in silence. Only a few agonized squeaks slipped out when Calum paid special attention to the underside of her curved globes, and then let loose a fiery rain of blows upon her sit spots.
    “Now.” He released her and propped her up on her feet, holding her shoulders to help her gain her balance. “You have another chance. I’m going to peel the switch, and you’re going to hold your skirts up and bend over when I tell you.”
    Phoebe’s chest rose and fell, her eyes prickling with humiliated tears, but she did as he asked. Calum waited as she propped up her skirts. This time, the cool air felt good on her blistered cheeks, but she couldn’t suppress an angry sob as her employer prepared the implement of correction.
    She held position until he started back. He seemed so big and angry, his muscles bunched under his shirt, the switch small in his hand. It was thin and whippy, but she knew it would sting like the devil. As he approached, she lost her nerve and dropped her skirts.
    “No, Mr. MacDonnell, please.” She backed away, quicker on her clubfoot than she’d ever been.
    The big Scot halted. “Phoebe, come here.”
    “I will not.” She kept backing away.
    “Phoebe, you have until the count of three to come to me.”
    She held out, her legs trembling.
    “One,” he said, and her control broke.
    “I hate you,” she quavered.
    “Hate me all you want, lass. As long as you do nothing so foolhardy again.”
    She rushed

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