Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

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Book: Fate (Drift Series Book 4) by Michael Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Dean
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released one hand from her bouquet to wipe her tears before it ruined her makeup.
    “At that time, we also shared our first kiss. Today, we get to share another first kiss…the first kiss of many in the rest of our lives together. I have risked it all for you, just as you have for me. Because of that, I will always come back to you…always. I love you Shade, more than you could ever know and I promise to watch over you, as long as you promise to watch over me. Thank you for this second chance.”
    I leaned in and kissed her. Again, I knew I wasn’t supposed to do this move yet, but I couldn’t help myself. When we broke from our kiss, we looked around a little sheepishly. I noticed that both of our mothers were wiping tears from their eyes while giggling at our spontaneity at the same time.
    The preacher reeled us back in with our swapping of I do’s and requested the ring bearer do his duty. Shade and I reached down and untied our rings, first me placing her ring on her finger, than her placing my ring on mine. The preacher gave me permission to kiss the bride, again, and of course I followed suit.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Leo and Shade Cutler.” He professed as everyone clapped. The music came back on as the two of us held hands and smiled at our guests. We slowly walked down the aisle together. A few men, like Mr. Criner, Meredith’s father, reached out and shook my hand. We came across Mr. Veitoni and he nearly tackled the two of us as he kissed us both on either side of my cheeks and offered us a free meal at his restaurant whenever we wanted to cash it in for celebration of our union.
    Once we got away from the wedding area, we were directed by the wedding planner where we needed to walk next. She pointed us in the direction of the reception area under the tent. The groomsmen and bridesmaids had joined hands and were walking behind us as we strolled.
    “Well, you’re my wife. What a trip.”
    “Yes, yes I am. Boy did you get lucky.” She teased and we laughed.
    “I sure did. Now let’s go have some cake that I won’t enjoy.” I joked back.
    “Don’t worry babe, I will.” She stuck it to me again as we got directed to sit in the middle of the head table.
    What an amazing day this truly was for me. I couldn’t believe I had somehow gotten here. In this moment it was time to appreciate our day in the sun before I worried about what lay before us upon the horizon.

    Once the wedding party gathered at the head table and sat down, the guests began to pile in to take their seats at each of the scattered tables. A three tiered wedding cake sat directly in front of Shade and me. At the very top of it I noticed the little bride and groom figures reeked of irony. The bride had angel wings sprouting from her back while the groom had little devil horns and black wings coming from his back side.
    “Very funny…very funny.” I pointed to the top of it.
    “I thought you might like that, lackey.” She kissed me playfully.
    The chatter in the room and among our head table was rising. Everyone was having a jubilant time. Richard came up and congratulated us. Before he walked away he placed two fingers at his eyes; then pointed them at me as if to say that he was watching me. Then he winked and flashed a smile. Everyone at our head table took a moment to offer their admiration while the food was being served.
    Naturally, I couldn’t taste a damn thing, but it still didn’t stop me from taking in the enjoyment of watching the others who were gobbling up the catering. When the food was done, Anne walked up and took off a couple levels of the cake and ordered Shade and I to stand in order to cut it. Scruffy was urging me to shove it in Shade’s face when I pulled her piece, but I stayed respectful and gently placed it in her mouth.
    “You big wuss.” Scruffy called me out.
    When Shade pulled her piece up to my lips, I expected the same

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