Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

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Book: Fate (Drift Series Book 4) by Michael Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Dean
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courtesy from her, but I should have known better. Without hesitation, she crammed that thing all over my face and mouth. People laughed like crazy, especially Scruffy.
    “I see the way it is. Okay, okay…payback is a…you know what.” I pointed at my wife who was laughing uncontrollably. I was handed a tissue to clean up with and did my best to hide my shame for being a sucker.
    While the cake was being consumed, Scruffy tapped on his champagne glass and stood.
    “Excuse me for a moment folks…attention!” Everyone quieted down to hear what the best man had to say as he held up his champagne glass.
    “Today is truly a glorious day. Today, a vivacious and beautiful soul, took in a pitiful, clingy vagabond…”
    People started to chuckle and I had to interrupt, “Wait, what is this…a wedding reception or a roast?” I kidded my brother.
    Scruffy smiled, “Hang on, I’m not finished yet. As I was saying, this poor retched soul has finally found a home with one of the most honest and sincere human beings I have ever met.” Shade and Sandra both ooh’d and awed along with some of the other people in the gathering.
    Then Scruffy dropped the bomb as only he can, “Shade…you’re darn lucky Leo found you or who knows where you might have ended up.” He smiled in arrogance.
    People, as well as myself, started bellowing out in laughter.
    “Mark Spears!” Sandra and Shade both yelled at him in shock.
    “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Seriously though, I have seen this relationship develop since day one. If there was truly ever a couple who were meant to be together, it is you two. You are perfect for one another. As I told Leo before the wedding, in a short span of time, our family has grown. Not only have I gained a brother, but I also have gained a sister. I couldn’t have asked for a better one. I love the two of you and I wish you nothing but peace, happiness and all the thrills that life has to offer. Best wishes.” He raised his glass, as did the rest of us, and we all took a sip and people started clapping as Scruffy sat back down.
    “Now…go out and make me an uncle for goodness sake!” He yelled and laughter reigned supreme once again.
    Everyone, including myself of course, thanked Scruffy for his awkward but kind words. Shade went over and kissed his cheek and gave him a big hug. At this time, the guests at the wedding came up to the head table and congratulated us one by one.
    Once that was over, the DJ requested for Shade and I to hit the dance floor for the first dance of the evening. A very nice slow song played as we danced together alone. Shade knew I couldn’t dance worth a heck and told me to do my best and move when she moved. We joked that she was the one leading during our dance. After a minute or two, the DJ instructed for people to come on out and join us. I felt so much better when bodies surrounded us because I was pretty uncomfortable out there on an island like we were.
    After the song was over, I could hardly wait to get back to my seat, but as the next song came on, Anne requested I dance with her so Richard could dance with his daughter. As a matter of fact, I was out there for about six straight songs, dancing with my mother, Sandra, Shade again, and even Scruffy during a fast song. I felt out of place, but that didn’t matter because I was having the best time of my life. Then, it got even better.
    While Scruffy and I were essentially jogging in place next to one another during a fast paced song, he leaned in to tell me to watch what he was about to do. So, I obliged. Scruffy walked over to the DJ and leaned in to tell him something. Right after that, Scruff walked away from him and approached Sandra. At the time he approached her, the DJ cut the music and announced over the PA system to keep our voices down and our eyes on the center of the dance floor where Scruffy and Sandra were standing.
    I was far enough away from the couple that I couldn’t hear what Mark was telling

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