Fat Off Sex and Violence

Read Online Fat Off Sex and Violence by Shane McKenzie - Free Book Online

Book: Fat Off Sex and Violence by Shane McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane McKenzie
                Wait…what happens when the light fades out? Is this woman going to snap out of it…scream rape or something?
                Then violent vibrations took over his body as she worked her mouth up and down, and he no longer cared what happened next.
                He finally looked down at her. She had her mouth down to the base, her eyes barely visible over the forest of pubes, but she stared at him, locked eyes with him.
                When he came, she didn’t falter. She swallowed it up like cough syrup, wiped her mouth with the back of her arm.
                Mary Jane gorged herself, and as Gary watched her, still shuddering from the titanic orgasm, he noticed that with every bite, the feedling seemed to fatten, grew slightly wider with every mouthful. She giggled and groaned. The sound of her chewing filled the air, soaking wet and sloppy.
                “Feel good?” the woman said as she swirled her tongue over her pink lips. “Cuz you tasted great.”
                I love you, Mary Jane.
                Gary lay on an electric cloud. The woman’s saliva cooled on the surface of his cock, threatened to shrink it back down.
                “You ready for more?”
                She slapped him. “Yes more. You think I’m done with you, motherfucker?”
                The sting of her slap coated his face. She clawed at his shirt, tried to tear it away. Gary fought her, didn’t want his gut bouncing around. He’d hoped he could keep his shirt on through all of this, but the woman wasn’t having it. She tore it, ripped it off.
                Potent odor radiated off his acne-covered chest, his stretch-marked stomach. But the woman didn’t care. She straddled him, took him into her.
                As she enveloped him, Gary sat up, his mouth hanging open. She shoved him back down, pumped her hips. Her head moved to his chest and she sucked on his nipple, drank the salty fluid that glazed it.
                Mary Jane’s eyes barely shone at all anymore as she feasted. Her head looked like it had been injected with fat—a double chin hung from her face. Arms stuck straight out as if she wore a thick winter coat.
               The woman rode Gary, fucked him like it was the end of the world. Her tits bounced, slapped her in the chin. She growled, raked red trails across Gary’s chest and stomach.
                His sensitive penis could hardly take it. But he couldn’t tell her to stop, so he lay there, enjoyed the moment.
                And then the woman stopped. All of a sudden—just stopped. Her eyes went from sexual intensity to lost and empty. She didn’t seem to know where she was, turned her head and looked at the room around her. Her brow furrowed into a mess of wrinkles covered in sweat beads and wet hair.
                “Is everything okay?” Just as Gary said it, he heard Mary Jane’s snores.
                Oh shit.
                The woman’s head whipped around at the sound of his voice, and her eyes widened when she saw Gary pinned under her.
                Her bottom lip quivered and she jumped off, landed hard on the floor.
                “What the fuck is going on?” She smacked her mouth as if tasting something, and then gagged hard. “What did you do to me, you fucking bastard?”
                “Mary Jane?” Gary said. He couldn’t look the woman in the eye. “Mary Jane, wake up.”
                The woman followed Gary’s eyes and found Mary Jane sleeping on the floor.
The feedling’s snores roared.
                “You brought a little girl here? W-what the fuck is wrong with you?”
                “No…it’s not what you think. You…you wanted to. You dragged me

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