Read Online FARHAYVEN: VENGEANCE by S. K. Ng - Free Book Online

Book: FARHAYVEN: VENGEANCE by S. K. Ng Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. K. Ng
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term ‘sliding’ meant moving without changing the direction that the torso was facing. This was done when standing in a side-facing stance by moving the front leg first and ‘dragging’ the back leg after it if one was moving forward and moving the back leg first and dragging the front leg after it if one was moving backwards. The term ‘stepping’ meant moving with the changing of the direction that the torso was facing. So in a side-facing stance, the back leg would move forward if one was moving forward, thus turning the torso at the same time, and the front leg would move backward if one intended to move backwards which would also cause the torso to turn.
         Then came the blocks. The Low Block was done by moving the fist of the blocking hand up to the opposite side at jaw level, with the elbow bent and the palm of the fist facing the face while the non-blocking hand was crossed over to the hip of the blocking side; and then the blocking hand would be swung hard downward and outward towards its own side while the non-blocking hand would be simultaneously retracted to the waist. The wrist of the blocking hand would then be twisted at the last moment to stop the momentum of the swing, with the fist stopping in front of the knee and the palm facing down. The High Block was executed by way of moving the fist of the blocking hand to the opposite shoulder with the elbow bent and the palm facing upward while the non-blocking hand was raised to the blocking side shoulder with the elbow bent, forming a slightly slanted cross; and then the blocking hand would be raised up snappily while retracting the non-blocking hand to the waist. The movement would be ended by the twisting of the blocking hand wrist, with the fist stopped slightly above the head and forward of the opposite eye, and with the elbow still bent. The Inner Block required one to place the blocking arm at the opposite side of the torso with the fist just below the rib level, the palm facing down and the elbow bent while the non-blocking arm was brought up to the blocking side shoulder and with the elbow bent; and then the blocking hand would then be swung hard upwards and back towards its own side while the non-blocking hand would be retracted to the waist on its respective side. The ending twist of the blocking wrist would then result in the palm facing toward the torso in the end and the elbow was to be kept bent. The Outer Block was performed by raising the blocking fist to the back of the ear on the same side with the elbow bent and the palm facing forward while the non-blocking arm was raised in front with the elbow bent; and then the blocking arm would then be swung in a slightly downward arc across the front of the face while the non-blocking hand would be retracted to the waist. The movement ended with the twisting of the fist, whereby the fist would be stopped in front of the opposite shoulder and the palm of the fist would be facing the face and the elbow was to be kept bent.
         As for the kicks, Lance had managed to learn several basic ones. The Front Horse Kick was done by raising the knee up in front and snap-extending the lower leg upwards. The Front Alligator Kick was executed by way of raising the knee up, and then pivoting the body to the opposite side on the ball of the foot on the standing leg and simultaneously snapping the lower leg of the kicking leg in a horizontal arc. The Side Horse Kick required one to raise the kicking knee towards the opposite hip while pivoting the body forward and in the same direction of the movement of the raised knee. The pivoting action was to be done on the ball of the standing foot. Then the kicking leg would be thrust out straight at the intended target. The Back Horse Kick was performed by turning the torso towards the back, bending and then lifting up the kicking knee to the back and thrusting the kicking leg straight out at the opponent torso. The Axe Kick was done by swinging the

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