FanGirl Squeal (RockStars of Romance Book 1)

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Book: FanGirl Squeal (RockStars of Romance Book 1) by Jackie Chanel, Madison Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Chanel, Madison Taylor
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have been tweeting about it while I was sleeping. Sometimes, I really hate
that the majority of them are on the east coast.
    “What? Why? They know my story and how I feel about Cash,
well, music in general. What’s the big deal?”
    “Savannah, you’re an amazing writer. You have a gift at
capturing what we all feel and putting it into words. Have you not logged on to
your site? There are so many comments from people sharing their own stories, it’s
crazy. Your server went down for like an hour. Where have you been?”
    “I’ve been in bed,” I said slowly. “It’s eight in the
morning here.”
    While Amy was recapping some of the comments, I logged onto
my website to see for myself. I’ve never had a post generate so much feedback.
I’ve had successful posts that generate traffic, but never this many comments.
I am seriously blown away. People were thanking me for “breaking it down” and
calling me inspiring. There were hundreds of people talking about what music
has done for them. There were more stories about Cash Myers and what his music
has done for people than I could count. Some were from my friends and some were
from people I never talked to before on any social media forum. I was in tears
while I read about people who left abusive relationships, lost weight, or followed
their dreams simply because of a song he wrote. It was beautiful.
    “Amy, he needs to see this.”
    “He does!” Amy agreed. “But how do we get him to see it? It’s
not like he’s been on Twitter lately.”
    “I’ll just email his publicist the link. She can forward it
to him.”
    “We have to do something bigger, Banana. He’s been MIA and
he just broke up with his fiancée. I’m sure our boy is a little depressed.
Since all these stories and comments are sorta like Thank You letters, we
should put them together.”
    “Like how? On another website?”
    “No, something more personal. Like a collage of some sort,
made up of all these comments and stories. That would be nice. We’d frame it
and then could send it to him, like a Thank You gift from his fans.”
    I pondered that idea for a minute. It’s not too crazy. I’ve
never sent a celebrity anything, but I know people who have. They seem to like
it. But a giant collage seems like it would be too much.
    “What if we put together something smaller than a collage,”
I suggested. “Maybe a coffee table book or something like that!”
    “I love that!” Amy shouted. “Then he could put it in his new
     “Are you going to help with this?” I asked. “It feels kind
of time consuming.”
    I could almost hear Amy’s shoulders shrug as she dragged out
an “I don’t know. I’m swamped with work stuff, but how hard can it be? Plus,
you know his publicist. You can probably get it to him better than anyone.”
    I have no idea how hard putting a book together is, but
since I love the idea, I decided to move forward. After hanging up with Amy
before she got fired, I abandoned all work related responsibilities for the
rest of the morning and reached out to my friends via phone, text, and email.
This just wasn’t something I wanted to post on Facebook.
    I haggled with Nicole about doing the typesetting and
designing a cover for the book. By the time I really had to get to work before
I missed a deadline, I had twenty-five Dear Cash letters in my email.
    Even for SUPERFANS, this idea is over the top. Why am I
doing this?

Chapter 6: Don’t Think Twice; It’s Alright
    “That sounds good. That sounds pretty damn good.”
    Cash was alone in his piano room, but it didn’t matter. He always
talked to himself when he was writing songs. Now that he was single and not
touring, he didn’t have a lot of other things to occupy his time so he started
to work on the next album. He wasn’t one of those celebrities that opened
restaurants or took up acting. Cash didn’t involve his name in anything that
wasn’t music related.
    he’d been playing since was six

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