Familiar Desires: 5 (Protective Affairs)

Read Online Familiar Desires: 5 (Protective Affairs) by Rebecca Airies - Free Book Online

Book: Familiar Desires: 5 (Protective Affairs) by Rebecca Airies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Airies
again or change her mind, they could do
it when she wasn’t trying to find missing people.
    “Roll the window down or I’ll do it for you.” Michael’s
voice sounded all too clear.
    She knew that was probably some wizard trick. Still, she
wasn’t going to give in that easily. If they could have made the window roll
down, they would have done it without the demand. Probably. She just smiled,
took a deliberate drink of coffee and put the cup into the holder at her side.
Let him do his worst. The window slowly slid down.
    She cringed when rain pelted into the car’s interior.
Michael reached in and opened the door. He leaned in and unbuckled her seatbelt
before grabbing her hand and tugging her out of the car. He started tugging her
toward their Jeep. The road was wet and slick and her feet skidded over the
surface as he towed her in his wake.
    Michael opened the door to the back seat of the Jeep, lifted
her and set her in the middle. He climbed in after her before she could
scramble across and out the other side. He reached over and drew the belt
across her. It clicked when the lock slid into place. She looked back to see
Kane slipping into the seat and starting her car.
    “You can’t do this, Michael. I have a job to do. I can’t
leave my car here.” She watched as Kane steered it off the road. If they’d
planned for Kane to take it back, Michael would have put her in the front of
the Jeep so he could keep an eye on her as he drove. When Kane got out, he
dumped her coffee into the grass.
    “Someone will come get it. You’ll be working with us, Alana.”
Michael clasped her hand.
    “I don’t need babysitters and it doesn’t look like I’m going
to be able to get much done.” She glanced over at the point where her car had
been stopped.
    “We told you that we’d be with you every step of the way. We
just didn’t get to the hotel in time to join you. Of course, if we had, we
might have stopped some of this. Since we’re the only people who are safe from
your talents, we were elected to get out in this mess.” Michael gestured out
the window to the rain. “How many cups of coffee did you have?”
    “Not enough.” Alana didn’t reach for the seatbelt. If they
didn’t want her out of the car, she wouldn’t get out of the car. It was one of
the hazards of dealing with wizards and witches. Kane and Michael hadn’t ever
used their magic against her, but she knew it could happen.
    “Antagonistic too. That coffee’s really revving your system.”
Michael grinned.
    “Not the coffee. It’s anger.” She narrowed her eyes. Half of
her wanted to tug her hand free of his loose hold, but the other part wanted
the contact. “I don’t like you messing around in my business when I’m here on a
    She’d barely had a taste of the ties, but she craved more.
Hell, she’d always wanted everything. It was part of the reason she’d known she
couldn’t stay in Devoe believing they needed someone else. She couldn’t accept
only a piece of their lives when all of her being yearned for a life of loving
    “You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t on a mission.” Michael’s
fingers stroked over the back of her hand. “So we’ll have to take the
opportunities we have to be with you.”
    “So you’re going to slog through the rain with me when we go
visit the nearby location that I can get to without running into that damn wall
the Council erected to keep me where they want me.” She held back a chuckle at
the thought. No way was she telling him that she’d have come back here soon
    Alana really couldn’t see them hiking through the rain even
though they wouldn’t be much off the road. It wasn’t that she thought they
couldn’t. From what she remembered, they trekked and climbed like everyone else
in the area. She just had a feeling they didn’t do it much now and that they
wouldn’t appreciate the discomfort. For that fact, she wouldn’t enjoy getting
wet, but it would be worth

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