Fall From Grace

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Book: Fall From Grace by Kelly Hogan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Hogan
against the glass. Opps, I said shit, she hates it when I curse. Double shit.
    "Nice Gabriella. Would that be the language of a lady?"
    Uh oh, she used my full name.  
    "Sorry Mom, you scared the Sh.., I mean, you took me by surprise. I was just looking, um... did you see that?" I spin back around pointing to the glass but he's gone. Did I imagine it?  
    "See what Gabby?" Mom leans forward and squints into the window. We check out the deserted square once more as Ash seems to have disappeared.
    "Nothing I guess," I say, as I brush my hands through my hair.  
    "Let's go, you ready?" I say as I scoot off the lounger and towards the front door.
    "Ohhh Gabby, wait until you see the next photo installation I have cooking. It is just magnificent darling... " And she's gone. When she gets into work stuff I know it is better to let her just rattle on until she's finished. I scan the street as she locks up behind me. I expected a breeze or something when we came out, but it's eerily calm. A shiver jumps down my spine that has nothing to do with the weather. I hustle mom quicker then normal to the car.
      I know what I saw. I saw something I wasn't supposed to. Asher Grey is definitely hiding something. He's off his rocker, I'm sure of it. Stella just SUCKS at guys.

Chapter 8
Nasty Flu Bug

    Holy crap it's cold out. That's the problem with spring. Blazing hot during the day and freeze your knickers off at night. Slamming Murrie's door, I wrap my jacket tighter and pick up the pace towards The Grind. Gabs is meeting me for open mic night. Things have been so tense between us for the last little bit, I dunno, I guess I haven't been myself lately either.   I'm really looking forward to hanging out with her tonight. Being raunchy and making fun of all the patrons in order to feed our own insecurities.
    I've had the flu or something for weeks now; feverish, sweaty, spacey, REALLY hungry - the symptoms don't add up on WebMD at all. It's been kicking my ass and I've only just started to feel a little better this week. Weird shit too, like my skin was all itchy but I had no rash. My hair was falling out in clumps in the shower, but then would feel fuller somehow. My hands would be red hot but I would be freezing and piling on layers of sweaters. Even my eye colour seems to have changed from blue to a brighter blue-y gold or something. I haven't been sleeping either and my dreams are just crazy and bizarre and needless to say, keeping me from my beauty rest. Gabby has tried way too hard to get me to shake it off which has given rise to the amount of tension between us. She thinks I'm just goo goo'ing the new guy and that I need to smarten up, but really as much as I think he's hot, he's out of my league and I've just felt like a pile garbage.
    When I finally went to see Dr. Stevens he took one look at me and began to explain the birds and bees and how hormones change our appearance and sometimes it feels really strange and different, like we're actually sick but we're not. Blah Blah Blah, I'm not an idiot doc, it isn't hormones. I think. He humoured me, took my temp, said I was fine and sent me on my way. Failed health system once again.  
    A freezing gust of wind does a final whip up behind me and flicks my ponytail into the air as I jump inside the glass door. Spying Gabs in the coveted corner booth, I give a little wave and make my way through the crowd. Dude with incredible dreds is busy setting up his bongos in the corner by the window, oh Lord, this should be interesting. I make my way to the back and slide into the booth.
    "Holy frick it's nippy out there!" I plunk down, keeping my jacket on, shivering out the chill and blowing on my ice cube fingers.
    "Dude, I am just SWEATING. My advanced class was awesome tonight but Shit, I need to work out more. They were kicking my big ass to shreds," she admits.  
    "Really Gabs? You, out of shape? You are so in shape I feel I should slap you. Shut it sister," I tease, but

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