Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

Read Online Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson - Free Book Online

Book: Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
I do. I promise I’m trying.”
    “I believe you … and… our fight upset me. You’re all I have, so I’m trying to speak correctly. It’s real hard. I’m working on the ain’ts. I’m getting better at not saying them out loud; it’s inside my mind that gets all bungled up.
    “You’ll get there. Yo u can always just be quiet,” Fate offers as a suggestion. She don’t mean no harm, but it still hurts my feelings. Why can’t I just be me? I understand bettering myself, but having everyone tell you how awful you are, sucks.
    “I’ll stick with thinking before I speak. If all else fails, I’ll shut up. Last year at school I was as quiet as a church mouse. This year I need to make some friends,” desperation fills my tone and I wince.
    “What kind of friends?  Are you finally thinking about boys?” She teases me while sorting through her cosmetics kit.
    “Yeah, I had a crush on this boy last year, but I was invisible. How… how would I go about making him notice me?” I blush deep red and bunch my shoulders in shame. I shouldn’t have to play my sister like this- damn Wil, damn Wil to hell.
    “ Really?” Fate shrieks, jumping up and down, looking younger than me. “Oh my God, WHO?” A devious light shines from her eyes as she claps and giggles.
    “Um… Cortez Abernathy,” I whisper under my breath - hating Wil all the more- the sadistic bastard.
    “Oh, sister,” Fate says sadly, pity lacing her voice.
    Shit! This is hopeless. My own sister knows that Cort will never find me attractive. I’m destined to fail, and then Wil will cut my tongue out and kill sweet, vivacious Fate. My heart pounds wildly in my chest, my breath hisses between my lips. I’m amazed that Fate can’t see the beat as my heart pumps life-giving blood throughout my system.
    “Ade’s been trying to date his best friend, Ezra. Regina s ays they boys are together,” Fate stresses, waggling her eyebrows and smirking. She flawlessly slips into gossip-mode.
    “Together? What? Huh?” Fate laughs at how stupid I sound, sputtering out my confusion.
    “You know,” she draws out. “Together, as in together …” She crosses her fingers and winks. “Ade denies it, but Regina said she saw them kissing a few months ago. Ezra had Cort pinned up against a wall at Whittenhower Estates, and was French kissing him. That means tongue,” she says in delight, eyes going wide as she points at her lips and sticks her tongue out at me.
    “Fate, I know what French kissing means,” I growl, shaking my head to and fro. I whisper underneath my breath, “Too bad I’ll never experience a French kiss since Wil is going to cut my tongue from my mouth.”
    “What?” She gives me a curious expression, lips tilted up in a smile- excited to be the fount of gossip.
    “Nothing,” I grumble in disgust.
    “It was that hideous party for Grant and Cora announcing Niel as their unborn son. You remember it. Mom made us all go as a family,” she keeps rambling on, but I stop listening.
    I’m going to KILL Wil and his I’ve done my homework bullshit. How do you miss something this huge? He’s making me seduce a gay kid. Seriously? My fingers curl up into talons on my bare thighs. Sharp pricks of pain keep me from running across the city and beating Wil to death. That is until I realize he said he wouldn’t be home- the rat-bastard!
    “Okay,” I mumble to myself as Fate keeps on talking. My mind spins ways to fix this. I guess if I brought him proof that the kid has a boyfriend, he’ll let me off. No, this is Wil, he accepts no failure. He’ll just give me something worse. “What could I do to find out for sure?”
    “First things, first, let’s get you sexed up.” She giddily skips around her room.
    “You do know I’ll be in a uniform, right?” sarcasm warps my tone. “How much can you do to that?”
    “ A lot,” she says with a smirk. She starts foraging around my closet. “First off,” Fate peeks at me from around the door as

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