Hour of Need (Scarlet Falls)

Read Online Hour of Need (Scarlet Falls) by Melinda Leigh - Free Book Online

Book: Hour of Need (Scarlet Falls) by Melinda Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Leigh
foyer turned into a lobby. In the center, behind an antique desk, sat Lee’s pretty neighbor, Ellie. Gone were the ripped jeans and stained T-shirt, the wallboard dust and paint smears. Not that construction-worker Ellie wasn’t hot, but this . . . this feminine version reminded him too much of the Ellie from last spring—the Ellie in that sundress.
    “Grant.” She rose, rounded the desk, and held out her hand. A pale blue blouse and slim gray skirt hugged her curvy body to just above her knees. Below the hem, her shapely legs ended in low-heeled pumps. Her hair was coiled in a neat bun at her nape. She wore minimal makeup. The effect was wholesome, natural, and demure.
    Grant ignored the pleasure that lightened his chest. But damn, that smile. It brightened everything that had gone bleak inside of him at the nursing home.
    “Hi, Ellie.” He took her hand. Her skin was soft and smooth in his rough palm.
    “What can I do for you?”
    The erotic image that popped into Grant’s head was both unexpected and inappropriate. He should be ashamed, but my God—
    Damn sundress.
    He released her hand. “Actually, I was hoping I could talk to Lee’s boss. We’ve been playing phone tag.”
    “Let me see if he’s free to speak with you.” She went back to her desk and picked up the phone.
    Grant gave her space. He strolled to the other side of the lobby and checked out the portraits of the senior partners hanging on the wall. Was being old and unhappy required of a senior law partner? Who wanted to look at a bunch of crabby old men when he could stare at Ellie?
    “He’ll see you now.” She crossed the lobby, her heels silent on the blue carpet. She opened a door and stood aside.
    “Major Barrett, come in.” Roger Peyton Jr. emerged from behind his desk to shake Grant’s hand.
    “Mr. Peyton.” Scotch fumes hit Grant’s nostrils.
    “Call me Roger, please. Mr. Peyton is my father. Would you like coffee?”
    “No, but thank you. I just came to collect Lee’s things. I have to get back. There are so many details to address. I’m sure you understand.”
    “Of course,” Roger said. “Please accept my condolences. Such a tragic event. We’ll certainly miss your brother here at the firm.”
    Grant breathed though the stab of pain. No matter how many people offered their sympathy, he couldn’t wrap his mind around Lee’s death.
    Roger appeared to sense his discomfort. “If I can be of any assistance, legal or otherwise, please don’t hesitate to call.”
    “Thank you.”
    Grant sidestepped toward the exit. “I don’t mean to rush, but I have to be back at the house soon.”
    Roger ushered him to the door. He pasted a trying-too-hard-to-be-casual smile on his face. “I believe your brother had taken some client information home. If you find any of the firm’s property, would you please return it? Confidentiality is a very serious issue.” The man’s thin lips flattened and his eyes darkened.
    “I’ll be going through my brother’s office over the next few days. If I find anything that belongs to the firm, you’ll be the first to hear.”
    “Thank you.” The anxiety that simmered under the alcohol-induced glaze in Roger’s eyes seemed like more than confidentiality.
    As he exited Roger’s office, Grant made a mental note to check out Lee’s boss. Did whatever was wrong with the firm have anything to do with his brother’s death?

Chapter Seven
    Ellie felt Grant’s gaze hot on her back as she led him to Lee’s medium-size office down the hall.
    She flipped the light switch on the wall. Fluorescent lights overhead flickered, then illuminated. Two copier paper boxes sat on top of an empty desk.
    Grant scanned the space. His gaze settled on the boxes. “He was here for seven years. That’s all that was his?”
    “He didn’t keep many personal items here. Mostly photos.” Ellie stood aside. Grant always seemed too close. Or maybe she was just too aware of him.
    He lifted one of the lids, pulled

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