Fairy Glade and Other Enchanting Tales

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Book: Fairy Glade and Other Enchanting Tales by Dawn Beaumont-Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Beaumont-Lane
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    “We came to see the woodlands,” said Kevin, rather crossly himself.
    “It's so beautiful here, there are so many beautiful flowers” said Della sweetly. She was sorry Kevin had been so rude to Bluebell. “We are very pleased to meet you, how do you?” said Della, putting out her hand like she had seen her Daddy do when meeting someone new. Frightened, the little fairy leaped back. “Oh!” said Della, “don't be frightened, we won't hurt you”
    “Come back” said Kevin, “we want to be friends!” The little fairy came towards them smiling.
    “You did give me a fright,” she said, “but you seem nice.”
    “Are you alone?” asked Della.
    “Oh no” said Bluebell. “The entire fairy kingdom is watching you”. At that moment, they all came running and flying from the trees and bushes. The children were thrilled; they had never seen such a magical sight.
    “We were to have a wedding this very day!” boomed a voice. The children turned round to find the Fairy King standing with his hands on his hips. He had a cheery face with a long white beard and a rather large tummy. He was dressed in red and green with a golden crown on his head.
    “Well, that is wonderful,” exclaimed Della. “May we stay for the wedding?” she asked excitedly.
    “Yes!” said the Fairy King, at that all the fairies and pixies jumped up and down with excitement. There were red, green, yellow and pink dots jumping up and down everywhere; their clothes were the colors of the rainbow. It made the enchanted children quite dizzy watching them. All at once they came to a stand still. As a trumpet sounded loudly, everyone parted to make a pathway for the wedding couple.
    The Prince and Princess of Fairies, who were followed by the bridesmaids and pageboys, entered the glade. It was a beautiful sight with all the colors blending like a rainbow. The little group came to a stop in front of the King and Queen, who were now magically dressed in blue and gold. The King stood up, while the Prince and Princess knelt down in front of him. The King opened a little golden box, covered with lovely jewels. He put in his hand and took out some silver dust; he sprinkled it over the little pair. Silver sparkles filled the air and all at once they disappeared from sight. Suddenly, everyone began to dance and sing. They all seemed so happy for the Prince and Princess.
    Bluebell came dancing up to Della and Kevin, “What did you think of our wedding ceremony?” quizzed Bluebell.
    “Lovely!” said the children.
    “It was very different from my Uncle's wedding” Kevin told Bluebell.
    “Where did they go, the Prince and Princess?” asked Della curiously.
    “Oh!” said Bluebell, “I forgot, you wouldn't know would you! Well,” said Bluebell, “when the King sprinkled the silver dust over them, it sent them to their honeymoon home in Fairy Land! That's where we all go, after we are married! Don't worry, they will be back with all of us soon.”
    “How lovely that sounds!” said Della.
    The Fairy Glade was nearly empty by now and the sun had set. “We had better be going,” said Kevin to Della.
    “I do wish we could stay longer, but Mummy will be waiting for us,” explained Della.
    “I will show you the way to the edge of the woods,” said Bluebell. So off they went, with Bluebell flying ahead of them. They were soon at the edge of the woodlands when they turned to say goodbye to Bluebell, but she was nowhere to be seen.
    “Oh dear!” proclaimed Kevin, “She's gone! Or was it all a dream?”
    “No” said a little voice. The children looked around. It was Bluebell coming from behind a tree smiling, with a twig in her hand. “I am going to give you both a gift.”
    “Oh, how lovely!” said the children together. “It will be a fairy wand” and with that she tapped the twig with her hand and Hey Presto, there was a golden wand in her hand! “With this wand you can have a wish, each and everyday” explained Bluebell. “Wish

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