Eyes of the Alchemist

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Book: Eyes of the Alchemist by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
to fight like men.”
    Kavan sighed. “They have not had the nourishment or training to achieve the required stamina. They’re a peace loving people who rely on the intellectual to amuse themselves. It is we who must learn their ways and customs.”
    “Now I have opened a route to discussion and reconciliation I will send an emissary through the portal to consult with The High One . Rowena, come forward.”
    Someone scorned. “She is a woman, and lacks the wisdom to negotiate. Send a man with diplomacy and presence, instead.”
    “You who speaks ill of my care giver, step forward.”
    There was an uneasy silence as Kavan gazed furiously about him. “Well, speak up,” he snarled. “He who has the courage to defy my will can challenge me as lord.” His glance came to rest on Javros.
    Javros was a young man of much skill and grace, the son of Kavan’s chief advisor and the result of a successful coupling with a Truarc woman. He was cool-headed, courageous, and known for his charm and wit. Javros would be the first to admit he’d been spoiled by his mother’s absolute pride and admiration of him. Kavan had made plans for his advancement once he reached a degree of maturity.
    Javros gave a guilty sigh. “I confess . . . it was I.”
    “You wish to challenge my will on this?”
    “Not by right of arms,” Javros murmured. “I’m not so foolish as I appear at this moment.”
    A murmur of laughter rippled through the crowd. Encouraged, Javros bowed. “My words were spoken in haste. I apologize, my Lord Kavan. Punish me as you see fit, but not too hard. I wish to live long enough to see the results of your experiment – if it succeeds.”
    Javros is over-confident, Kavan thought. Yet his popularity is such that too harsh a penalty will cause discontent. The old lord - Rowena’s husband - would have taken his life for such impudence. Kavan reminded himself that he was not cast in his stepfather’s mould. His blood was infused with the genes of the alchemist and the God, Arcus.
    He had an insight and power his people only dreamed of, and much was still untapped. He would unite the world both physically and spiritually, and his union with Tiana would provide him with a son whose line would spread to the known universe and last forever.
    Kavan knew well how to meet this challenge from Javros. The punishment would equal the crime. He exchanged an amused smile with Torma, his friend and most trusted brother-at-arms whilst Javros postured for the crowd. “I have decided to take your advice, Javros.”
    A smug smile appeared on the young man’s face. He was too sure of himself, Kavan thought. “I shall send you as emissary to Truarc instead. You will practice diplomacy with The High One , and learn the art of seduction. You’re untried with women, I believe. Once you have mastered the technique of attraction you may return with a Truarc bride – but only if she accepts you willingly.”
    “But, Lord . . .” Javros protested, his face turning red with embarrassment as the rest of the gathering began to laugh. “I was about to be initiated into manhood in the temple of pleasure.”
    “That you will forgo unless you’d rather I took your sight instead. Present yourself to The High One, explain your mission to him and beg him to take you under his wing and teach you some manners. Reassure him that his daughter, Tiana, will not be badly treated. She shall remain untouched, and shall return to him in seven dawns if she so desires.” With Torma in tow he strode off towards the door, regretting his hastily spoken words.
    “But, Sire,” someone called after him. “We will all be doomed if that happens. Tiana is chosen to make us strong.”
    “So be it,” he called over his shoulder, knowing it would be a sign of weakness if he took his statement back – though he was certain he wouldn't have to send her home. “If the Cabrilan are to change I must set an example. Tiana must come to me willingly, or not

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