Excalibur Rising

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Book: Excalibur Rising by Eileen Hodgetts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eileen Hodgetts
been quite bitter rivals; him on the BBC you on NBC.”
     “He’s the one with the knighthood,” said Ryan. “It opens doors.”
     “Oh yes,” she agreed. “Well, we shall see what he has to say about all of this.  He’s a very well respected author, historical novels and all that sort of thing, so I imagine that he has a more open mind than some people.”
     Ryan allowed the insult to pass without comment.
     “He’s also a member of the Society of Arthurian Scholars,” she said.  “It’s a scholarly society, and very well respected. Their main emphasis is on cataloging and preserving the writings on the Arthurian legends.”
     Ryan did not admit that he had never heard of this well respected scholarly society and that he was amazed that Violet knew of their existence.
      “Todd, dear,” Violet said, “will you send Carlton one of those e-mail thingies.  What time is it in London?”
     Todd flicked back his shirt cuff and looked at his watch. “10 o’clock here, so, 3 pm in London.  Do you really want to____?”
     “Yes, I do,” said Violet. 
     “Should I remind him where you____?”
     “He won’t need to be reminded,” said Violet. “Really, Todd, don’t be so silly.  Carlton and I have a very close relationship.  Very close indeed.  Of course he may be at lunch,” Violet said, “so we may have to wait for a reply.  Carlton doesn’t like to be disturbed at lunch.  Ask him if there’s been any unusual activity or if he’s heard any rumors.  He may be able to tell us what Professor Peacock was involved with before he came to see Michael.  You know what to say, don’t you?”
     Todd sauntered out of the room, and Violet stood up and smoothed down her skirt. “I’m really quite tired,” she said. “I think I’ll go and lie down. Make yourselves at home.” She moved languidly to the steps, trailing clouds of expensive perfume. “Maria will make sure you have everything you need,” she said.  She turned at the top of the steps. “If you would you like to visit your wife in Marathon, Dr. Ryan, you are welcome to call a taxi from here.”
     “Ex-wife,” Ryan said.
     “Oh yes,” she said.  “She’s re-married hasn’t she?”
     “I don’t think that’s any of your ...”
     Mandretti silenced him with one intense look from his hooded eyes. 
Violet drifted away across the lawn and into the house and Ryan stood staring at her, hating her and admiring her all at the same time.
     Todd sauntered back across the lawn. “I’ll show you to the library,” he said, “and you can call your ex-wife from there.  We don’t get a good signal out here in the garden.”
     I understand you have daughters,” he added conversationally as they crossed the lawn, “and one of them is getting married.”
     It was the first time Ryan had heard of this proposed marriage.  Had he really lost track of so much time? Leanne, his elder daughter was...he paused to work it out, and realized that Leanne was 19 already and her sister was 18.  How long was it since he’d seen them? He didn’t really know.
     Todd led them through the French windows into the cool interior of the house, and flung open the door of an adjacent room.  As soon as Ryan stepped into the room his cell phone beeped.  He looked at the message.  Veronica had called.  In fact she had called five times in the last ten minutes.  This was not,he thought, going to be a fun visit.
     The library was a small room flooded with light.  Instead of the dark paneling and leather bound chairs of most libraries, this room was lined with limed oak shelving and the library table was glass, as was the desk which housed a computer and printer, as well as a telephone.
      “Make yourself at home,” Todd said, “but we would appreciate you staying in this room.  Violet

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