Excalibur Rising

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Book: Excalibur Rising by Eileen Hodgetts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eileen Hodgetts
doesn’t like to be disturbed when she’s working.”
     He left the room, closing the door firmly behind him, as if to emphasize his last instruction.
     Mandretti settled down in one of chintz covered library chairs. “You don’t believe her, do you?” he said.
     “I don’t believe in visions,” Ryan said. “I believe in things I can touch and feel.  Everything I’ve brought you so far has been genuine, hasn’t it?  Everything has a provenance.  I’m protecting your reputation Mr. Mandretti.  I can’t authenticate dreams and visions and fairy tales.”
     “She’s done pretty well out of dreams and visions and fairy tales,” Mandretti said, looking around the room.
      “I don’t know,” said Ryan.  “There’s something strange about this house.  What’s with the wet paint, and telling us not to leave this room?”
     “She seems to know more than you do,” said Mandretti. “She managed to make you look like a fool.”
     Before Ryan could reply, his phone buzzed again. Veronica .  As soon as he answered, she lit into him.
     “What the hell have you got us into?” she asked.
     “I’m coming, “said Ryan. “I’m a tad later than I said, but I’m coming.”
     “Don’t come near here.  Don’t you dare.”
     “Don’t come near us,” she repeated.  “Whatever trouble you’re in, don’t bring it to this house.”
     “I’m not in trouble,” he protested.
     “Yeah, well,” she said. “What’s all this about a goblet?” His stomach seemed to be doing back flips, while his heart rose in his throat. He was unable to speak.
     “A thug.”  Veronica’s voice came to him from great distance.  “He looks like a hired thug. Hardly speaks any English, all he can say is he wants the goblet, whatever that is.”
     Ryan was stunned into silence.
     “A goblet, Marcus,” she said. “A man’s been here looking for a goblet.”
     He could find no words.
      “Veronica,” he managed to stutter, “I’m sorry__”
      “Oh don’t be sorry,” she hissed. “Just do something about it, before I call the police.  I’m assuming you don’t want me to call the police.  What did you do?  Did you steal the darned thing?”
     “No,” he said, “I don’t steal.  You know better than that.”
     “I don’t know anything about you,” she said. “You haven’t shown your face here in the last five years.  The girls have forgotten you even exist.”
      “Is Leanne getting married? “Ryan asked.
     “No, it’s Abby.”
     “But she’s___”
     “Old enough to get married.  They’re grown up, Marcus, and Erik is their father now.  So don’t come here.  Stay where you are and find a way to do something about that man. I swear that if he hurts my daughters, Erik will hunt him down and___”
     “No,” Ryan said. “Don’t involve Erik in this.  You don’t know what you’re getting into.  Can you hold on, just for a minute?  Hold on, please.”
     “Just for a minute,” she said.
     He turned to Mandretti.
     “Wife trouble?” Mandretti asked.
     “A man hanging around her house and asking her to give him the goblet, says he’s been sent by the one-eyed man.”
     “Ah.” Mandretti pulled out his cell phone.  “Give me the address.”
     Ryan gave him the address and turned back to speak into his own    phone.
      “Veronica, are you still there?”
     “I’m here.  Where else do you expect me to be?”
     “I’m getting you some protection.”
     “What’s that supposed to mean?”
     He thought about it for a moment. “Large men in black cars,” he said eventually.
     Mandretti looked up from his mumbled phone conversation. “Ten minutes,” he

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