Evidence of Mercy

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Book: Evidence of Mercy by Terri Blackstock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Blackstock
Tags: Ebook, book
vultures to see if the new me will have any resemblance to the old one.”
    â€œIt wouldn’t be like that, Jake,” the nurse said. “You need the support of people who love you.”
    â€œI’ve never needed it before,” he whispered as he closed his eye to dismiss them. “And I’m not about to start needing it now.”
    I f you’d wanted a vacation, Lynda, all you had to do was say so.” Sally Crawford pulled a chair up to Lynda’s bed and set the bag she’d brought on the table in front of her. “I could use one, too, but you don’t see me crashing a plane to get one.”
    Lynda was tired—her sleep last night had been restless and plagued with nightmares—but she managed to smile at her secretary. “Looks like I’m gonna get a longer vacation than I need. That blasted doctor said I have to stay out at least a month. Honestly, I feel like I’ll be as good as new in a few days, but—”
    â€œLynda, you have injuries you can’t even see. You have to let yourself recover. Besides, I’ll be in the office taking care of the day-to-day stuff.”
    â€œBut I have cases pending. Court dates. . . .”
    â€œSome of them can be postponed, and the ones that can’t are going to be divided among the partners and associates. We went over all of them this morning. Your cases are in good hands.”
    Lynda sank back onto her pillow. “Well, I guess that’s something.”
    â€œThere’s just one thing.”
    Lynda looked up. “What?”
    â€œThe Paige Varner case. No one wanted it.”
    â€œNo one?” she asked.
    â€œThere’s no money in it,” Sally reminded her. “And it’s a real shame because she came in yesterday all upset because her husband had shown up at her daughter’s day care and tried to take her.”
    Lynda closed her eyes. “It’s my fault. I’ve been putting her off.”
    â€œYou’ve been busy. When you reach for a handout, you have to wait your turn.”
    That had, indeed, been her philosophy, Lynda admitted, but hearing it now, she didn’t like the way it sounded. “She can’t help not having any money. And that man. The restraining order obviously hasn’t scared him at all. I was afraid it wouldn’t. He’s fearless. He’d have to be—he’s suing her for custody, claiming she’s the one who’s abusive.”
    â€œShe’s anxious to get the case resolved so she can leave the state.”
    â€œI know. The judge has ordered her to stay in town until after court. Do you have her file with you?” Sally reached for her briefcase and pulled it out, and Lynda took it. “So nobody wanted her, huh?”
    â€œI’ll just tell her she’ll have to find another attorney.”
    â€œNo, she’s tried.” She studied the file for a moment, then glanced at Sally again. “Sally, am I really that mercenary?”
    â€œHow mercenary?” Sally asked, not following.
    â€œSo mercenary that I would push this case to the bottom of my priority list just because the hours I spent on it weren’t billable?”
    â€œLynda, you did what anybody would do.”
    Lynda sighed and closed the file. “I’m keeping this case,” she said. “I’ll handle it.”
    â€œBut Lynda!”
    â€œIt’ll be all right,” she said. “Just call Paige and tell her to come by to see me here.”
    Sally held back her protest, but her disapproval was apparent. “All right, Lynda. If you say so. I’m gonna go now. You look like you need some rest. A lot of it.”
    Lynda dropped the file onto the table next to her. “You think I look bad. You should see the other guy.” But the words weren’t said in humor, and that haunted look passed over her eyes again. “At least he’s alive. I’ve been calling ICU every hour. As far as I

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