Every One Of Me

Read Online Every One Of Me by Jessica Wilde - Free Book Online

Book: Every One Of Me by Jessica Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Wilde
always hold onto that last thread of communication with you. Even if you wanted
nothing to do with me." I could remember how desperate I was to hear from
Sarah and hear that she was okay. That nothing bad had happened and there was
still a chance of seeing her again.
    She still hadn't spoken so I kept going. "Your mother
is good at keeping secrets, Tess. The only reason I found out she knew where
you were when you called her a year ago was because your brother had to use it
to stop me from--" I caught myself and shook my head, "doing
something stupid. They weren't able to stop me from looking for you again,
though. They wouldn't tell me exactly where you were, but I knew you were in
Massachusetts. You aren't an easy one to find, Tess. But I tried."
    And now that I had her back, I wasn't going to lose her
    Her eyes flickered with something I couldn't identify, then
filled with tears. "I didn't know, Charlie. I had no idea what leaving
would do to everyone." She was choking on a sob and spoke quickly, "I
thought I was doing the right thing."
    She fell against my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her
and pulled her close. Her tears soaked my t-shirt and I only held her tighter,
welcoming anything that was her. Seeing her cry was always torture and it
didn't happen often. "I know, Tess. It doesn't matter anymore. You're
here. That's all that matters to any of us, now." I took a deep breath of
relief. Holding her in my arms, her putting herself there… it was like the
weight that was pressing down on me for five years was lifted and I knew that
it didn't matter why she left, just that she was back. "You don't have to
explain anything, Tess."
    The sunset filled the sky with purples, oranges, and reds,
reminding me of that night so many years ago when we both sat in the same spot,
watching the same type of sunset, under completely different circumstances.
    "I know that my mom told you," she said on a sigh.
"I don't know why I thought she wouldn't. You and my family have obviously
stayed… close."
    "She didn't say much about it, but yes, she told
me." She tensed and I tightened my arm around her and discreetly buried my
nose in her hair while she rested her head on my shoulder. I inhaled the sweet
smell of rain and saw a glimpse of the memories we shared and thought of how
many we missed out on. I couldn't go back in time and change things, but I
could spend the rest of the time we had making up for it. Making new, better
    "And?" she asked softly.
    "And… it doesn't change anything for me," I
    "That's… good."
    I heard her relief even though she tried to hide it. It gave
me hope.
    I walked her to the door when we got back less than an hour
later. Nothing else had been said except for a few obligatory statements made
to be polite. I wanted to press her for more, make her tell me everything so I
could feel that she trusted me, but I knew doing that would only end in
an argument. I would just have to continue to be patient.
    "Thank you, Charlie. I'll see you around, I
guess," she said hurriedly and stepped up to her front door.
    See me around? Definitely. "Can I take you to dinner on
    She stumbled a bit before turning with her arms crossed over
her chest. "I don't think that's a good idea… for me. I can't lose focus,
    "It's just dinner, Tess. You need to eat. I just
    "I know what you thought and I'm sorry. I just… can't
right now. Thank you again and have a good night, Charlie." She rushed
inside and shut the door leaving me thoroughly speechless and confused in the
darkness of the porch. After what happened at the dock, I hadn't expected her
to still be so determined to shut me down.
    I thought I could do this on my own, but it was looking like
Sarah would get to take over soon if I kept striking out, and I knew I would
keep striking out. So did Sarah. Tess was Tess and she was stubborn and overly
logical about everything. And even though it was causing me

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