Evening Storm

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Book: Evening Storm by Anne Calhoun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Calhoun
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beckoned her over.
    Simone crossed the showroom floor. “Pardon me, Miss Russell, but perhaps you and your companion would prefer a more personal shopping experience?”
    The woman looked relieved. “Yes, thank you very much,” she said.
    Simone held out her hand toward the workroom, indicating that Daria and Ryan should precede her. She didn’t miss the way Ryan put his hand at the small of Daria’s back, and positioned himself so he stood between most of the other shoppers and the actress. He looked strained, Simone noted, although she wasn’t sure why. Was it because he brought another woman to her showroom after their conversation on the stoop? He certainly seemed to welcome the publicity, so it couldn’t be the threat of pictures posted to Twitter or Instagram. Another wave of jealousy bubbled in her gut. For a single second, she acknowledged that she was irritated Ryan hadn’t contacted her, then let it go. Tried to let it go.
    Lorrie opened the door for Daria. She swept through, and Ryan held back for a split second. “Thanks,” he said to Simone.
    â€œIt’s nothing, sir,” she said
    He stopped her from entering the workroom by shifting his weight ever so slightly to block her progress to the door. To anyone watching from the showroom, it would look like Ryan was laying down some version of
That was unacceptable. Miss Russell requires . . . ,
but Simone knew better. The sheer nearness of his face to hers, the fact that he turned his shoulders and torso to bodily block her progress made her breath halt in her throat.
    â€œSir?” he said. His voice was flat, not teasing.
    She didn’t back down, simply lifted her chin, met his gaze head-on, and said, “That is my customary way of addressing a client.”
    He looked down, then back up at her through his lashes. “It’s not what you think.”
    â€œActually, it’s not what
think. Miss Russell,” she said as she turned her shoulders to brush past Ryan, “how can I help you today?”
    â€œFirst of all, thanks for getting me out of there. It’s not that I’m not grateful for all the attention, but I’ve been in five different showrooms today and it’s starting to stress me out a little.”
    â€œOf course,” Simone said. “Can I get you something to drink? Some water, or perhaps a cup of tea?”
    â€œWater would be lovely,” Daria said.
    â€œAnd for you, sir?” Definitely still irritated over something she shouldn’t be, over a man she shouldn’t want.
    â€œWater’s fine,” Ryan said.
    She got Daria settled in one of the chairs in front of the three-way mirror, and gave her a Pellegrino. After the actress had opened the bottle, swallowed a couple sips of water, and visibly exhaled the tension from her shoulders, Simone sat down a respectful distance away and said, “How can I help you, so you can go home and relax?”
    â€œI’m going to a gala event at MoMA tonight. We both are,” she said, nodding at Ryan with a smile. “I finally found a gown, but none of the undergarments fit quite right. You came highly recommended.”
    â€œI’ll certainly do my best,” Simone said. “Do you have the gown with you, or is it being altered?”
    â€œNo, they just finished fitting it,” Daria said. “I was supposed to wear this gown to an event I’m going to later in the month, but this invitation came unexpectedly, so I asked the designer to hurry up and finish it. I promised I’d wear something different for the next one.” She gave a little laugh. “I shouldn’t sound so ungrateful. I remember when I could go months without anyone inviting me to anything, and when I was invited, I shopped the sales in the thrift shops on the Lower East Side.”
    â€œI’ve found some quite good bargains down there,” Simone said. She actually liked this

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