Euphoria Lane

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Book: Euphoria Lane by Tina Swayzee McCright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Swayzee McCright
elementary school cafeteria since Luke started kindergarten. All his life, she set aside every extra penny to put him through college. His father left them when he was young and never kept in touch, other than to send child-support payments.
    “I always liked your mother. She was a nice lady.”
    “Still is. Once I get this promotion I’ve been promised, I’m going to buy one of those houses with a mother’s cottage. It’s about time she relaxed and enjoyed life instead of working so hard.”
    “She’ll probably still find projects to keep her busy.”
    “True, but that will be her choice and she can do as little or as much as she likes.” He causally glanced in her direction. She had been cute in college—now she was beautiful. “What grade do you teach?”
    “I bet you’re good at it. You always were good with kids.”
    “Thanks,” she mumbled, as though a compliment from him made her uncomfortable. Their excursion was taking them by the edge of the golf course. “Do you think Bernice’s killer cut Harry’s brakes?”
    “It’s a possibility.” He hated to admit the truth. For the most part, the residents of Euphoria were good people. He couldn’t imagine any one of them resorting to murder.
    “Who would want to kill them both?” She shook her head. “Let me rephrase that. Who wouldn’t want to kill them both? That list would be much smaller.”
    “Tell me this,” he said, stopping several yards from the water, “if you hate following rules, why did you buy a condo with a homeowners’ association?”
    “I didn’t receive those rules until closing, so I only had time to skim them. They appeared reasonable on paper, and of course no one warned me about Harry. There should be a law requiring sellers to disclose the presence of any annoying nuisances like demonic hauntings or HOA presidents with Napoleon complexes.”
    Each step brought them closer to the pond’s edge. A fountain in the center sprinkled water drops across the pond’s surface, sending ripples toward the outer banks. Ducks gathered on the grass on the opposite side.
    Luke strolled along the water’s edge, annoyed by the facts and his inability to resolve the chaos born from the board’s decisions. “I admit Harry needs to get a hobby, but now that your garage door is fixed, everything should settle down.”
    “Not from what I hear.” She planted both hands on her hips and turned on him. “I can’t believe you chose this career.”
    “The other homeowners’ associations I work with are not as bad as Euphoria’s.”
    “I don’t care about the other associations right now. I care about my community, my sister, my new neighbors, and my new friend. Are you going to do the right thing and toss out the fines I owe? Toss out everyone’s fines?”
    How can I make her understand?
    “My hands are tied.”
    “No one tells you when you sign on to live in a community with an HOA that you are about to be ruled by dictators. I have never seen a small group given so much power over others. How is this allowed in a country based on a system of checks and balances?”
    “HOAs do have their good points. They keep the roads and buildings in good repair.”
    “Do you live in a community with a homeowners’ association?”
    “No. Does that make me a hypocrite?”
    “Until someone has spied on you on your own property, turned you in repeatedly for their interpretation of the rules, and sent you violation letters with fines attached, you can’t possibly understand how the people in this community feel. It’s like having a police officer following you around with a radar gun all day long.” Her gaze followed a duckling waddling across the grass to catch up to his mother and siblings. Her voice softened as though the innocence of nature had touched her heart. “Put yourself in my place, Luke—and then stop Harry.”
    “Andi, I’ll do what I can, but I can’t make any promises. My job is more of an advisory

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