Escaping Me

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Book: Escaping Me by Cat Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Mason
relax.  I lean my forehead against the cool tile letting the thoughts invade my brain again.  I let myself have this if only in my mind. 
    I picture Gray’s hands on me as the water streams over us, him smiling against my skin as he nips his way along my hips.  Letting myself pretend my hands are his as I skim them along my body like he would.  My hands are soft, nothing like the rough touch of Gray’s calloused finger tips.  I don’t let that stop me though.  I can hear myself moaning, but I don’t worry since everyone is still outside. I let my hand drift lower.  I circle my fingers pressing down right where I need it most.  Letting go right now is the only way I’ll be able to get through tonight.  No one has to know right?  As I find my much needed release I shout Gray’s name, coming so hard my knees buckle making me fall to the floor.
    I clean back up and since I rushed in here , I forgot my clothes.  Not wanting to put my bikini back on, I wrap my towel around me then crack the bathroom door.  After making sure I don’t hear anyone inside the bus, I make a run for the bedroom.  I slam the door behind me then nearly drop my towel in shock.  Gray is standing there, holding a pair of jeans in his hand, naked and HARD.  His eyes rake over my body barely covered by the towel.  He makes no movement at all, he just watches me.
    “I thought that I was…” I start but I don’t know what to say I am in total cock shock. 
    Gray has four piercings running the length of his penis.  I had heard about the Jacob’s ladder but I have never seen one, until now.  I’m openly gawking at my future brother-in-law’s dick.  I can’t look away.  Oh my God!  What’s wrong with me?  Gray shakes his head quickly yanking his jeans on, ruining my view.  As he painfully tucks himself into them he zips but doesn’t button.  I nearly cry at the loss.  He walks over to me pulling me flush against him so now I can feel him.  Nuzzling my ear he inhales my scent. “Now we’re naked friends, Wildflower.” Nipping at the hollow of my throat he chuckles. “I heard you Daisy.  I heard you cry out my name in the shower.” He says arrogantly.  I jerk away from him as if he struck me.
    “Cocky much Gray?” I ask, arching my brow at him arrogantly.  Walking over, I grab a red halter dress from my bag.  I drop the towel, making Gray hiss through his teeth as I pull the dress over my body.
    “Daisy this isn’t fair.   I’m drawn to you too.  I’ve never felt this before, I don’t want to fight it but I do for you.” He says as he walks toward me.  It isn’t fair, I completely agree.  We are torturing each other. “God the noises you made.  It took everything in me not to come in there and fuck you against the shower wall. Landon and everyone else be damned!” He shouts and I believe him. 
    As I turn to face him , I smooth the hem of my dress over my thighs, meeting his gaze head on. “Don’t Gray.  I wasn’t screaming your name.” I say defensively. 
    His lips qui rk up at me, “Really Daisy?  You’re gonna try and talk your way out of this one?” Leaning into my ear Gray continues, “I’ll let you, this time baby because you’re fighting this.  Whatever it is you have with Landon, I get it.  I’m trying to respect that too but watching you go on as if nothing is wrong between you two fuckin’ kills me.  You deserve better than that shit.” His hand grips my hip hard making me whimper.  I can feel the calloused tips of his fingers through the thin fabric of my dress. The feeling of his hands on me has me trembling making him smile against my sensitive skin. “Just one more thing Daisy.” Gray purrs as he brushes his lips over my earlobe. “You didn’t do me justice.  You’ll scream a lot louder when I make you mine, baby.” 
    Releasing me, Gray grabs his shirt off the bed stopping just at the door.  With his back to me he says words that rock me to my core. “I will

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