Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Mysteries

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Book: Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Mysteries by David A. Adler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David A. Adler
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    Text copyright © David Adler, 2007
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    Adler, David A.
    Cam Jansen and the summer camp mysteries: a super special / by David A. Adler; illustrated by Joy Allen.
    v. cm.
    Summary: Cam Jansen and her best friend are spending three weeks
    at Camp Eagle Lake, where they play sports, do crafts, and solve three mysteries. Contents: The first day of camp mystery – It’s a raid! – The basketball mystery.
    ISBN-13: 978-0-670-06218-8 (hardcover)
    ISBN-13: 978-0-14-240742-4 (pbk.)
    [1. Camps—Fiction.?2. Mystery and detective stories.]
    I. Allen, Joy, ill. II. Title.
    PZ7.A2615Caqls 2007
    [Fic]—dc22 2006014998
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For Joseph C. Yellin, MD

Cam Jansen
The First Day of Camp Mystery

    “I was always busy at camp,” Cam Jansen’s mother said. “We played baseball. We swam. We played tennis. And at night, I shared my cabin with all my friends. It was a sleepover party that didn’t end.”
    “But Danny is in my bunk,” Cam’s friend Eric Shelton said. “I’m sure he’ll ask me riddles and tell me jokes all night. I’ll never get to sleep.”
    Mrs. Jansen was driving Cam and Eric to Camp Eagle Lake. The children would be there for three weeks. Eric’s father was in the car, too.
    “Danny never stops!” Eric said, and shook his head. “How do you catch a squirrel? What’s green and jumps?”
    “The second one is easy,” Eric’s father said. “A frog is green and jumps.”
    “Well, that’s not what Danny thinks. His answer is ‘celery with hiccups.’ And he says to catch a squirrel, ‘you climb a tree and act like a nut.”’
    Mrs. Jansen pointed to a sign on the side of the road. “Is this where we get off?” she asked. “It’s exit fifty-four, but it doesn’t say Camp Eagle Lake. Oh, I wish I had brought the directions.”
    “Did you drive sixty-three miles?” Mr. Shelton asked. “I remember something in the directions about sixty-three miles.”
    “I looked at the directions this morning,” Cam said.
    She closed her eyes and said, “
    Cam says

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