Escaped the Night

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Book: Escaped the Night by Jennifer Blyth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Blyth
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introducing myself yesterday. I was running short on time.” I watched Jayce shoot his hand out, awaiting a return shake from my uncle.
    “No worries , Jayce. It’s n ice to meet you. I’m Danier, but you can call me Dane.” He reached his hand out t o meet Jayce’s.
    Aunt ie Steph had already left to go meet up with her gi rlfriend for the day. A t least there wasn’t goi ng to be any embarrassing drama . A handshake , I could handle. The squealing , well that would’ve been something else entirely .
    I walked towards the do or and grabbed my jacket and purse as I slipped my feet easily into my running shoes. I leaned over and kissed Uncle Dane on his cheek. “See you later .”
    “See you, ” Uncle Dane replied. He stood in the doorway watching as Jayce and I made our way to the shiny black car.
    Jayce opened the door for me, t hen ran around to the driver’s side and climbed in. The butterflies in my stomach were almost unbearable. I was happy to see him, but extremely nervous at the same time.
    “Me too, I know what you mean , ” Jayce said aloud as he started the car. He shot me a wink followed by a flash of his perfect grin .
    Uncle Dane remained positioned in the same prot ective stance in the front door way. I waved to him as Jayce started pulling the car away. Uncle Dane waved back and I watched as he hesitantly closed the door.
    I felt terrible that he worried so much about me. I felt safe around Jayce and I wanted more than anything for Uncle Dane to accept him.
    Jayce and I spent the entire day driving around. I ’d expected to meet up with the others, but Jayce said he wanted me all to himself for the day. He showed me around the island , taking me to the top of some various hills so we could admire the views. Then he proceeded to show me around a couple of oth er beaches. None of them compared to Mystic Beach, i t wa s by far the most beautiful one .
    We pulled into a tiny parking lot and entered a quaint restaurant for a late lunch . The seafood restaurant had colorful fish painted over most of the walls with p aintings of mermaids and waterfalls taking over the rest of the wall space .
    Jayce and I took a seat in a booth over by the window. A lone candle burned in the cent e r of our table, which was accompanied by a single red rose. We admired the spectacular view overlooking the water. The dark- hai red slender waiter came over to take down our drink order and we both ordered the fish and chips off the menu board.
    As J ayce and I sat at our ta ble conversing, t he candle burning in the middle of our table kept gr abbing my attention. It would’ve been so much more romantic if it were dark out side . Jayce leaned over and w ith a smooth motion picked the rose out of the vase , tucking it safely behind my ear. “Perfect!” he said. Then he took my hand and told me more about the island and all its secrets. I was completely me sme rized, hanging off his every word .
    Our f ood was served promptly. We sat in our booth and enjoyed our delicious fish and chips. After we finished up our meal, Jayce went over to the front counter to settle up the bill. I took one more glance out the window at the magnificent view. Picture perfect.
    We got back into his car to continue our touring adventure. We’d driven quite a way up-island. It took us almost four hours to get back to Blackwood. The n ext thing I knew Jayce had me safely back home. Another day had raced by quickly . It was already ten-thirty p.m. It wasn’t fair how fast time flew when I was with Jayce and how it stood almost still in situations where I wanted nothing more tha n for it to pass more quick ly. Time was a funny t hing.
    Before I was able to ge t myself out of the car, Jayce leaned over and gave me a warm lingering kiss , this time up on my cheek and grazing my lips . Butterflies filled my stomach and the biggest smile spread across my face . I felt so incredibly happy; it

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