Escaped the Night

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Book: Escaped the Night by Jennifer Blyth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Blyth
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knew nothing about him other tha n the bas ics. It was time to get past all the small chat .
    We walk ed a ways down the beach , m y h and cradled in his . This was nice, just the two of us. I was enjoying our alone time so much that I forgot for a few moments that I wanted to interrogate him. Jayce le d the way over to a flat rock shaped like a bench along the shore and we sat down.
    “I’m the keeper of the elements,” h e stated , looking at me cautiously. “Do you know what that really means?”
    I thought for a minute and shook my head. “No, I’m not exactly sure.”
    Letting go of my hand , he got up off the rock. I sat and watched as he pace d back and forth , looking nervous . “ Where do I start?”
    “From the beginning, ” I said , unsure if I wanted to hear what he was about to say.
    He squared his body off in front of me . “Alright, I’m an immortal. There’s no other way to say it. I am the keeper of the elements and connected to certain minds. What you don’t know is … ” He fidgeted around for a moment and then steadied himself. “I’m the reason that the elements function together as a whole and not against each other. I came to th em a very long time ago. I was three years old the night m y parents were killed by werewolves. I was tiny and managed to escape. Meriel found me alone, wandering down by the water. She took pity on me and brought me home to the others . Th ey’ve taught me everything I know . With my gifts, I was able to keep peace between them . They were having some real power struggles and I figured it was the least I could do after they ’d treated me so well . A nd it’s how I became their keeper .”
    “Jayce,” I said . “It’s okay , that’s a wonderful thing , and you’re a survivor. As for being immortal, well, it means you ca n live forever .”
    He kept his stance firm and spok e more hesitantly than before. “There’s more… it gets worse. There’s a fight brewing amongst the immortal world and for some unknown reason , I’ve got a feel ing you’re right in the cent e r of it. I don’t know which side ’s going to prevail. Immortals are talking and some of them are say ing the outcome will basically be up to you. They beli eve you’ ll be our savior and think you’re the key to keeping peace in the immortal world.” He paused and looked at me, waiting .
    I sat quietly for a minute. I’ d been introduced to some odd things throughout my life. Especially within the pa st few months, the odd things just seemed to multiply and get more unimaginable.
    I ’d met people who resembled the four elements and apparently that was because they were in fact the elements. Not to mention, house cats shifting into large wild cats and then into people right before my eyes. So sure, this could be believable, why not? After all, I’d seen so many things that made “ normal ” jump right out of my head. What was normal anyway? Surely , I no longer knew.
    “I believe you, and we’ll figure this out, ” I said , walking towards Jayce. “I’ll figure this out.” A million questions raced through my mind , but were quickly dismissed when I saw Jayce st anding there with his dark eyes penetrating me .
    I was unable to deny him, I longed for him. I couldn’t bear to be away from him for even a se cond. This was nothing like I’ d ever experienced. I needed him, in every way possible.
    Jayce grabbed me suddenly with such a for ce that in a split instant , he pulled m y body right up close to his. His breath on my neck sent tingles raging through me . He began kissing me slowly and gently at first, but then he went deeper, fiercer. It was the most passionate kiss I’d ever had in my life and for a few moments w e were lost in our passion.
    It was so powerful , I couldn’t imagine t here would ever be another one able to top it , as far as I was concerned. All of our thoughts, dreams and fantasies were

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