
Read Online Erika by Wayne Greenough - Free Book Online

Book: Erika by Wayne Greenough Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wayne Greenough
Tags: General Fiction
already gorgeous enough for me. Now I’m going to show you how good I am with weapons.”
    “Oh, all right, if you must. I’m not fond of guns. They make too much noise.”
    They walked arm in arm off the mansion’s main grounds to where Connors waited.
    “I still don’t understand why I’m the only one who can see you, Erika. And during our lovemaking I felt everything you were feeling. I fail to understand that, too.”
    She laughed. “I also felt everything you were feeling. You really enjoyed being inside me. I consider that to be the ultimate compliment. Thank you. Why can’t I be seen? Let’s just say I haven’t fully materialized for some people. You have very special eyes, Hawk. You see things other people can’t. Don’t worry. Everybody will see me in time.”
    Coming abreast of Connors, Hawk asked. “Is everything set up?”
    “Yes, Master Hawk. The targets are prepared.”
    “Good. Remember, no warning as to what is going to happen and when.”
    Connors nodded. “I’ve set their automatic timing devices so everything will function on its own. It is quite unnecessary for me to do a thing.”
    “Very well, Connors. Remember, for you own safety, don’t come into the area. It will be extremely dangerous.”
    “I shall stay a safe distance away as you wish, Master Hawk.”
    * * * *
    As Hawk and Erika walked away Connors shook his head in dismay as he recalled his reason for quitting Her Majesty’s Secret Service. He’d run afoul of too many agents who enjoyed killing. They all had that unfathomable glow in their eyes, like the one he just saw in Master Hawk’s.
    Spying, that’s what he was forced to do once again. It was as if he’d never left Her Majesty’s Secret Service. He positively despised the bloody business of taking orders from two people. Pretending to obey Master Hawkins was easy enough. The boy did have qualities which were genuinely likable. But, Terrence Hawkins Archibald O’Brien did not. Not one pence worth. Yet he had to take orders from the filthy blighter and to the letter. “I want a complete daily report on my son’s activity.” Easier said than done when one is a globe hopping, money grabbing jackal. “Take this cell phone number. You have permission to contact me at any hour.”
    He shook his head as he thought of his many phone calls. “Master Hawkins did this, Master Hawkins did that. Master Hawkins plays with a doll he’s named Erika. And now Master Hawkins is playing with weapons and practically blowing up a forest.”
    He heard a ricocheting bullet thud heavily into the tree where he was secreted. He swore. “Good Godfrey, I’m in my nineties and a bit old for this sort of thing.”
    He peered around the pine tree. Master Hawk was just ahead busily shooting every target as it popped up. The lad was an incredible marksman, a true master of many weapons. He never missed once, even when talking loudly to his doll.
    * * * *
    “Stop shooting Hawk. You’re hurting my ears.”
    “I’m sorry Erika. I’ll stop right now.”
    “Good. Let’s take a walk by the lake. Maybe we’ll see some ducks or a swan. I love swans.”
    “I’ll be with you in a moment.” He walked to a maple tree and propped his back pack, long coat and weapons against it. He turned to rejoin Erika.
    She was gone. Where?
    Hawk smiled. It was one of her childish games, just like she used to play years ago.
    “Okay, show yourself, Erika. I’m ready for our walk.”
    Her voice floated in the air from every direction. “Not until you say the right words. Remember?”
    “Yes. Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
    “Here I am Hawk. Over here.”
    A whirling, twirling wood nymph danced into view. She wore a flowing gossamer gown made from forest green material with a life of its own, as it moved in slow motion around her.
    “Erika, where on earth did you get that outfit? Mother never made one.”
    “Yes she did, Hawk. This is the one she made for me the day she was shot. She never had

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