Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil)

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Book: Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) by Kelliea Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelliea Ashley
Tags: Witches and Guardians
she watched Theophyline’s ears go flat in disgust.
    “She doesn’t like orders, I’m afraid. I can’t believe you can hear her.”
    “Neither can I.” He grunted, not at all pleased about it. She realized adjusting to his Witch side would be difficult for him. He would obviously hate everything about her culture. How could she cultivate his love when everything she believed in would ultimately bring him pain? Her rituals and habitual use of magic would eventually widen the gap between them. It was hopeless.
    “You should put me down. I can walk.” His eyes met hers as she pulled her head up off his warm shoulder.
    “I’m sure you can, but right now I don’t feel like letting you go.” His jaw clenched as he looked past her to the cabin’s door. She remained quiet until he dropped her onto the bed. “Sit there and be quiet while I think this through for a minute.” His quiet order piqued her curiosity as she sat on the edge of the rumpled bed to watch him pace back and forth. His hair stuck up as he shoved a hand through it.
    “You might not have a minute, Travis.”
    “You just can’t be quiet, can you?” Though his words were harsh, his look wasn’t. He grinned down at her before turning away to stare through the doorway. He placed his hands on his narrow hips, giving her an opportunity to study his backside in the tight jean shorts. She jumped, her cheeks burning hot with guilty pleasure as he turned around and caught her staring at him.
    “I think we should elope.” His words were harsh, but definite.
    “Sorry, I think my ears aren’t working. Did you just suggest...” She shook her head and grabbed her braid with both hands like a lifeline. She couldn’t have heard him right. She was losing her mind, obviously too overwhelmed by falling in-love with a man who was a member of the Guardians of Light. Her mouth dropped open as she realized that her brain was already recognizing the truth of her heart. She loved her enemy more than she loved herself. Why else would she put her neck on a wooden block beneath a raised ax?
    “We’ll elope, Rissa. Think about it, you won’t have to marry a man you don’t even know. I’ll get the satisfaction of ruining the plans of the man responsible for my parent’s deaths. The High Priest will not only lose his daughter and the marriage connections he wanted to gain through tying you to that Garlock guy, but also he’ll gain a Guardian as a son-in-law.”
    “You’re crazy!” Rissa hit her feet as panic struck her with the blind need to get away from him. His hands captured her by the upper arms, easily holding her still in front of him.
    “Maybe.” His smile was rakish as his dark eyes danced with mischief. “Look, this is a plan that will work—”
    “It can’t!” She placed her hands on his firm chest to push him away, but the instant her palms came in contact with his heated flesh beneath the light cotton shirt; her resolve to run away from him disappeared into thin air.
    “It can. If I walk away from you, Rissa, the Guardians will want to know why I couldn’t accomplish my first mission. They’ll put me through the trials. I’m not a coward, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t an outcome I’m going to like. Then they will send someone else after you. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that they’ll try to kill you.” His lips thinned as his eyes narrowed. “You don’t want to be hunted by them, Rissa.”
    “I’ve been hunted by them since I was born.” She smiled at his raised brows. “I’m the High Priest’s daughter, Travis. I’m enemy number one for your little group of activists.”
    “You came here alone, knowing they were out to get you?” His look turned stormy as he glared down at her. “You really would prefer death over marrying that guy.”
    “Yes.” She rolled her eyes at him. “I thought that was already stated.”
    “Then marrying me can’t be that much of a sacrifice. You already know we have chemistry.” Her

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