Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil)

Read Online Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) by Kelliea Ashley - Free Book Online

Book: Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) by Kelliea Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelliea Ashley
Tags: Witches and Guardians
doesn’t deserve it.”
    “Close enough,” she said with a sweet smile. He watched her every move as she pulled her skirt up and knelt on her knees before the stump. She took a deep breath as she looked up at him. “I saw what could be, you know. Our future could have been happy and full of promises, but all good things have an end. Let’s make this one quick, enemy mine.”
    Travis felt a sense of loss burn in his chest as she turned her beautiful face away to lay her cheek against the rough wood. Her hair, threaded with red and gold from the sun fell over her back in the thick rope she’d wound and tied. Her arms, bare and strong, clung to the stump as her fingers dug into the bark. She clearly meant to show him no fear, resolved in her sacrifice for his soul and her people, but he knew she was terrified of dying. He moved closer to her and the stump; close enough to strike the wood, but not close enough for her to reach out to him.
    Travis steeled himself against her shivering form, trying to ignore the voice in his head that told him he could not accomplish his mission, and so must kill the Witch. She wouldn’t let him in, wouldn’t betray her kind. She was his enemy, plain and simple. She had to die. He gritted his teeth as he reached down deep for the horrible need to avenge his parent’s death. The wronged needed to be redeemed. Someone had to pay for their murders. Who better than the beloved daughter of the man who ordered their deaths?
    Travis trembled with the rage burning through him as he glared at her small form. His arm muscles flexed as he lifted the ax slowly over his shoulder. He would make her death quick, sparing her of the pain and torment he’d planned, but only because she’d come to her death willingly.
    “For my parents.” He growled lowly.
    “For you.” She whispered softly.
    His arms paused mid-swing over his shoulder as a white streak raced from the woods to slide to a stop in front of the stump and Rissa. The white cat’s fur stuck up from head to bushy tail as she hissed at him in warning. Travis raised a brow and shook his head at the animal as he lifted the ax one more time in preparation to swing.
    Do not do this! Rissa has never harmed anyone. She helps those in need. She brought you into her cabin and into her body without a thought to her own safety. You repay her this way?
    “What the hell?” Travis stared in awe at the animal as a soft feminine voice entered his head, clear as day. He shook his head to clear it. This was not possible...
    You hear me, I know you do. In England Rissa adopted me from the streets and has saved me from her father more than once. He wanted to kill me because a white Familiar can be bad luck. Rubbish! The cat turned her head to look at her friend and owner. Though, right now it could be argued that he may be right. My mistress deserves to live and I will give my life for her. A rumbling growl vibrated through the small chest beneath the thick, white fur.
    Rissa’s head turned on the wood. Her dark eyes widened as they landed on her pet. She closed her eyes, pain reflecting in her calm face. “Theophyline, I asked you to stay at the river. This does not concern you.” The cat’s ears flattened against her head as blue eyes narrowed up at him. Then her head turned toward Rissa. “I know. You have been my best friend, my teacher, and my confidant. The time has come to release you from your bonds. You are free to go your own way. Know I love you, Theo.” Rissa seemed to swallow a lump of emotions as she looked up at him. “Do it.”
    “I don’t take orders from a Witch.” He snapped at her as he dropped the ax that suddenly felt like it weighed a ton. He let the head rest on the ground by his right foot as he glared down at her. “Why?”
    “Why, what?” She looked confused as she brushed a strand of hair off her cheek.
    “Why do you want to die? You would have let me whack your head off right now. What is so wrong with your life that

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