Emerald Desire (Emerald Trilogy)

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Book: Emerald Desire (Emerald Trilogy) by Lynette Vinet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynette Vinet
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surprise to hear of your betrothal to his lordship. Only a few weeks ago, you told me Quint was to be the happy bridegroom."
    She quickened her step, aware of his amused smirk. "Quint didn't have time for you. You wasted yourself on him while I was waiting for you." He stopped walking and halted her with a firm grip on her wrist. "I still want you whether you're marrying or not. My loins ache for you."
    "Stop it!" She pulled away, and to her surprise, he released her without a struggle.
    "This time. I'll let you run away from me," Jem said. "But one day, you'll willingly give me your body for I know your weakness." He laughed at her look of reproach. "Don't worry about Quint. My sister is mending his broken heart."
    With Jem’s taunting laughter ringing in her ears, she turned and ran back home. As she neared Timothy’s cottage, she saw Lord Fairfax's carriage in front of the house and she managed to stifle a groan of dismay. He sat at the table sipping a cup of tea, and when she entered, he stood up and kissed her hand.
    "Your face is flushed, my dear," he noted. "Have you a fever?"
    "No, no, sir, I'm fine. The wind was brisk."
    Lydia filled another cup and motioned for Dera to sit beside his lordship while she took her place next to Timothy. "We've been telling his lordship how appreciative we are of his kindness to us," she told Dera.
    "Aye, we are grateful. His lordship is giving us a larger farmhouse and more money for my duties," Timothy said. He glanced at Avery, tears sparkling in his eyes. "Now my son can be born to prosperous and proud parents."
    "You are an asset to my estate, Timothy. Those I value are treated well." Avery turned his attention to Dera. "Are you well pleased with your purchases, Dera?"
    "Yes, thank you, my lord. I've never seen such finery." Her long lashes fluttered downward in embarrassment. In exchange for a few presents, she was selling herself into a legal bondage to a man whom she didn't love.
    Timothy smiled warmly at her. "No other girl has done so much for her family."
    Lord Fairfax rose from his chair. He helped Dera up and towered over her. "Soon we shall be legally wed, my dear. May I have a kiss to sustain me until then?”
    Timothy and Lydia watched Dera, their silence intense. Dera longed to deny him, but couldn't refuse without insulting him. He had purchased her affection. She concluded this was to be the first of many such transactions. On tip-toe, she timidly kissed his cheek which was dry as parchment.
    She had expected a harsh remark at the quickness of the kiss, but he only thanked Timothy and Lydia for their hospitality. She escorted him to his carriage, and after he was settled inside, he peered at her from out of the window.
    "I'm grateful for your kiss, Dera. At least you didn't flinch when you touched me. It is a fortuitous beginning."
    She shivered in the cold air, watching the carriage disappear into the distance, wondering if he could be right.
    A small Protestant church in Athlone was the setting for Dera's wedding. She barely recalled anything about the ceremony except for hearing the steady beat of cold rain upon the roof and wondering if the rain was a sign of unpleasant times ahead.
    The dreary day held no apprehensions for her husband. Avery squeezed her hand before the exchange of vows in a futile attempt at reassurance. He smiled at her, but her lips seemed stuck together, and she was unable to force even a tiny smile in return.
    Mrs. Randall's expertise as a seamstress was evident in Dera's wedding gown of silver satin. The collar was high and encircled with a ribbon of violet velvet. The sleeves fit snugly around her upper arm. They were slashed at the elbows and fell below her tiny waist into a point. Small lavender bows daintily pulled back the gown's overskirt to reveal the silver brocaded fabric beneath. Dera's lustrous hair was piled upon her head. A laurel of silver leaves wrapped around the crown. Her slippers and fur-trimmed cloak

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