Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple IV

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Book: Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple IV by Various Read Free Book Online
Authors: Various
Tags: Anthology
erupted over her whole body, her head got all hazy, her mouth dry. She hadn’t felt so giddy in ages.
    It had to be the song.
    Pressed close, she swayed to the music, the song’s beat melding with the sounds of his heart thumping in her ear and his breath whooshing in and out.
    She fought to catch her own breath, fought to slow her own heart, fought to find her brain. A thought surfaced from the mire and, like a blinking beacon, it kept flashing through her mind. Fuck him! Fuck him! Fuck him!
    Her pussy warmed.
    “Allie?” His voice was deep and rich, like expensive chocolate.
    She tipped her head to look at him. Those soft baby blues were incredible. Gray-blue with flecks of gold, they reflected sincerity. Kindness. Raw sex appeal. Her heart did a little happy dance. “Hm?”
    “Thanks for rescuing me…” His gaze lingered at her eyes for a moment then wandered over the rest of her face, and her skin heated.

    Body Chemistry
    She felt her lips curling into a smile as genuine joy blossomed in her heart…and genuine desire burned between her legs. “My pleasure.” Kiss me!
    “John’s joke’s gone a little too far.”
    She licked her lips as she watched his mouth form each word. Why hadn’t she ever noticed his lips before? They were very nice. Not so thin they looked like tight lines.
    Some guys had very thin lips. She closed her eyes and imagined his mouth on her neck, breasts, pussy. Oh, yeah! “Joke?”
    “Do you know anything about it? What did John pay all those women?”
    Breathless, aflame from head to toe, she fought to speak. “I don’t know anything about a joke. John wasn’t here.” Her gaze wandered lower to his jaw, to the beginning of a five o’clock shadow. It gave him a rugged, bad boy look.
    At the moment, that bad boy look was very appealing. Her achingly empty pussy clenched and another wave of warmth crashed through her body. “You should take a day off from shaving,” she suggested.
    He lifted his hand to his face. “Why?”
    “The stubble’s very sexy.”
    He grabbed her upper arms and shoved her away, holding her at arm length. “Not you, too!”
    Shocked and desperate to get close again, she screeched, “What?”
    “Are you part of the joke, too?”
    “No. I told you, I don’t know anything about a joke.” She leaned toward him.
    “Please! Let’s dance. I’m enjoying this.”
    “Just tell me you’re here because you want to be.”
    She nodded emphatically. “Believe me, I wanna be.”
    He pulled her closer again, and she sighed. Still, even though her boobs were flattened against his rib cage and her mound was grinding against his thigh, that wasn’t enough.
    She wanted him, and she wanted him now. “Of course, if you want to know for sure, you could check under the skirt.”
    She felt him stiffen against her, and she looked up. And then, knowing she’d probably never get a chance like this again, she reached up, pulled on his neck, stood on her tippy toes…and planted her mouth smack-dab on his.
    His mouth was as stiff as the rest of him for a moment. Then, as she slowly, softly, slid her lips over his, they relaxed. She poked her tongue out, teasing his mouth, then bit oh-so-gently on his lower lip.
    His deep groan reverberated through her body and her knees got wobbly. His hands dropped to her waist and her heart climbed into her throat. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and her pussy pulsed.

    Tawny Taylor
    Her body sang the “Halleluiah Chorus”. Her spirit drank in his every touch. Her soul wept with joy. And the echo of applause sounded in her ears.
    And then he broke the kiss, and bewildered, dizzy, horny as hell, she looked around.
    The music had stopped. A group had gathered around them. And every single person was applauding them.
    She raised her hands in triumph and waved.
    “Do you want to leave?” Lukas asked her in a clipped voice.
    “Yep. Just give me a minute. Don’t leave without me.”
    He mopped his forehead with a tissue.

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