Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2)

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Book: Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2) by JJ Franklin Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Franklin
she washed her hands and he felt she was using the time to compose herself.
    ‘I must just check the oven, Inspector. Then you can have a hot scone with your tea if you wish.’
    Matt hadn’t the will to resist. ‘That would be wonderful. Thank you.’
    She removed a tray from the oven and began putting scones on a cooling rack. ‘I usually cook a few for old Mrs Moore and the rest help raise money for the choir.’
    ‘They look delicious.’
    ‘Help yourself, please.’ She placed a plate, knife, butter and small pot of homemade jam before him and turned to put on the kettle.
    As he tucked in, Matt was aware he could become too comfortable here and decided he’d better concentrate. ‘Are you aware that Jonathan James has died?’
    ‘Yes. I heard or saw it somewhere. How did he die?’
    ‘We’re not certain at this point, Mrs Wylde.’
    She turned away to fill the teapot. Without turning back to face him, she said. ‘I’m not sorry.’
    ‘I can understand that.’
    ‘He kicked my son to death.’
    ‘There were others involved,’ Matt mumbled through a mouthful of scone.
    ‘He led them. That was obvious in court. Yet they still didn’t deal with him.’
    Matt thought the word deal was out of place.
    ‘How would you have liked the courts to deal with him, Mrs Wylde?’
    ‘I would have locked him up for good.’
    ‘So it distressed you when he only got a light sentence?’
    ‘Yes. I felt angry and let down. How would you feel?’
    Matt agreed with her completely. ‘If it were my son, I would feel the same.’
    Kathy looked at him, surprised at his reaction. ‘Why are you here, Inspector?’
    ‘It’s a courtesy visit, Mrs Wylde. We’re letting all those involved with the original murder know. One of my officers is on the way to tell Pamela Wylde.’
    ‘She won’t let anyone in.’ Kathy sat down on a kitchen chair next to Matt. He thought she might be about to cry.
    ‘Since…since Jack, Pam has shut the world out completely, including me. It’s as if she’s afraid, terrified that it will happen again. I try not to imagine what she saw. I did at first and nearly went mad. For Pam it is always there, the terrible threat – that another innocent day will turn, become murderous for no reason.’
    ‘The children?’
    Kathy hesitated, as if it was all too painful to tell. Matt waited, nibbling, hoping she would continue.
    ‘The oldest colludes with her mum. Protects her. The younger ones are frightened and bewildered. I don’t know what to do.’
    ‘I’m so sorry.’
    ‘When I took Zoe her birthday present, I was lucky Pam let me in. Things are not right there and I feel so helpless. They are Jack’s girls. He would expect me to do something.’
    Matt, unsure of what to say, nodded.
    Kathy looked up at him. ‘Do you know the children can’t even walk on the carpet? They have to keep everything tidy or it sends Pam off into a cleaning frenzy. Their lives must be a misery. The kitchen looks unused. I don’t know what they eat. They seem to spend most of their time in their rooms. I feel so utterly useless.’
    It would be terrible to see your grandchildren in such a situation, Matt agreed. This was one of those unseen, ongoing heartbreaks left behind when a family member is murdered. ‘I can see how difficult it is for you. Do you think Pamela would accept professional help?’
    ‘She’s reluctant to let me in. It was only because little Zoe begged her.’
    ‘Yet the children go to school?’
    ‘Yes. Pam takes them in one of those big four-by-four things – looks like an armoured car. She drops them off and picks them up. The girls have no freedom.’
    ‘Would Pamela trust the school?’
    ‘I doubt it. She didn’t want me in the house and I’m Jack’s…was Jack’s mother.’
    Once again Matt thought Kathy might be about to cry, but she rallied and he glimpsed her inner strength.
    ‘Maybe Mrs Wylde will relax now that Jonathan James is dead.’ He detected a slight nod as if she

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