Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Book: Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Olivia Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Black
Tags: Romance
really bad feeling.
    It had to be Easton. That was the only person that would be driving through the property from the direction of Trent’s ranch. Was he hurt? Had something bad happened? Easton hadn’t been acting like his normal sweet self lately. He’d been withdrawn and slightly depressed, which worried not only Oliver but the rest of the brothers. That’s why they’d been trying to help out more so that Easton wasn’t doing so much work.
    While he was watching the truck, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Easton spun out of control. Oliver heard the tires screech before the truck careened off the side of the path and down a small embankment, crashing head-on into a tree.
    “Call an ambulance,” Oliver shouted to Wyatt, and he kicked the horse, racing toward Easton.
    His heart beating erratically, Oliver prayed he would find Easton alive when he reached him. If anything happened to the young man, he didn’t know what he’d do. Living and working together day in and day out, Oliver was starting to feel connected to his brothers. They were becoming a real family, something he’d never had before.
    The truck was smoking by the time he reached it. Oliver leaped off the back of the horse and took in the scene. He ran for the driver’s side door. The front of the truck was crushed in, the metal bent and twisted awkwardly as it wrapped itself around a large tree. The engine was smoking and wheezing. A mixture of weird scents hung in the air, reminding Oliver of welding fumes, seared steak, and sulfur. Inside the truck was even worse. The dashboard was crushed and pushed toward the front seat. Easton lay with his head resting against the steering wheel, bent in the shape of his skull. Shattered glass lay everywhere and the blood…there was so much blood.
    Oliver yanked on the door, trying to pull it open, but it wouldn’t budge. It was crushed, crooked, and at an awkward angle. Reaching a hand in, he touched Easton’s neck, searching for a pulse.
    “Easton?” he whispered.
    He didn’t know if he should touch the young man. He didn’t have any experience, but from watching medical TV shows, he knew not to move the victim involved in an accident just in case something is wrong with their spinal cords.
    “No…Trent. Don’t tell…T–Trent. I d–don’t w–want him…”
    “Shhh. It’s okay.” Oliver had no idea what Trent had to do with this situation, but he wouldn’t say a single word if that’s what Easton wanted. He just needed his brother to stay calm and unmoving until help arrived. “I won’t tell him anything. Just stay still.”
    “Shit! Easton?” Wyatt dismounted and rushed over, joining Oliver.
    “Did you call an ambulance?” Oliver asked, practically growling.
    “Of course. Jesus…Oh God, Easton,” he whispered mournfully. “It’s really him.”
    Oliver and Wyatt stood next to the truck, holding onto Easton and saying a silent prayer. The seconds turned to minutes and the minutes stretched out until finally, the sound of sirens filled the air. Oliver was pushed aside as the emergency workers took control of the scene. He stood frozen, watching as the metal door was cut away and Easton was carefully removed from the vehicle. His bloody body was placed on a board and Oliver rushed forward, wanting to hold his brother’s hand and offer support.
    “We have to get him to the hospital.” A paramedic cut him off and Oliver stared at Easton’s bloody face.
    “Can I go with him?” Oliver asked.
    “I’m sorry.” The paramedic shook his head. “There isn’t any room.”
    “What hospital are you going to?”
    “Telluride Medical Center. The doctors will assess him there first and if he needs more treatment than they can provide, he’ll be transferred to Denver.”
    A strong arm was wrapped around his shoulders and he looked over at Wyatt, seeing concern etched all over the foreman’s face. “It’s okay. He’s going to be okay.” Oliver stood by Wyatt’s side in a

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