The Breaker's Concubine

Read Online The Breaker's Concubine by Ann Mayburn - Free Book Online

Book: The Breaker's Concubine by Ann Mayburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Mayburn
body clenching around her fingers as she hunched and cried
    out. Still panting and shivering, she made a low noise of frustration. The need was still there, still
    burning bright. Her release had taken a bit of the edge off, but she still wanted more.
    Wanted him .
    Knowing she was being stupid but unable to help herself, she pressed the release button on
    her bracelet and watched him roll his shoulders as the magnets holding him to his posts turned
    off. He tensed and took a step toward her, freezing when his collar buzzed a warning.
    “Clean me,” she said in a low voice. He radiated lust, which was good, but the savage fuck
    his gaze promised would undo her. All that male power and need focused on her; it made her feel
    at once helpless and powerful. In an effort to remind herself he wasn’t hers, she added, “Crawl to
    He stood there, trembling. His gaze locked on her pussy, and he began to pant. “I hate
    “Crawl.” His words hurt, and she cursed herself for being such a fool. This was only their
    first day of training and already she was breaking a dozen different personal rules. Barriers that
    had been carefully built through training and self-discipline were crumbling before a man who
    hated her.
    He sank to his knees and slunk across the grass, his big shoulders flexing with a contained
    power that warmed her blood. She gave his collar a warning buzz and made him halt before her.
    Amusement flared in his eyes, and she had a moment to wonder if he knew her torment. Before
    she could tell him what to do, he moved lightning quick and buried his face between her thighs.
    She intended to push his face away from her for his insolence, but she found her fingers
    curling in his hair instead as his broad tongue lapped at her. A rumbling purr rose from his throat
    and vibrated through her body. Teeth nipped at the hood of her clit, then moved away, his tongue
    circling around that sensitive nub of flesh but not making contact.
    She tried to center herself, to regain control and instruct him on what to do. As if he
    needed any help. He pleasured her with a skill that left her breathless. She gripped his hair,


    Ann Mayburn

    holding him closer as he grasped her hips to keep her still for his mouth. She struggled against
    him, stiff beneath his hands and fighting the pleasure.
    “No,” she whispered and sighed as his fingers dug into her hips. The slight rasp of his
    stubble against her thighs brought a shiver of delight that raced down her spine. Dimly she noted
    his arousal increased as well. The air was thick with his pheromones, and each breath filled her
    body with a new rush of heat. Dangerously addictive. No wonder off-worlders were forbidden as
    concubines. Wars would be fought for this kind of pleasure.
    A small jolt of fear cleared her head enough for her fingers to fumble to her bracelet and
    give him a shock. She scrambled away from him and tried to ignore the hurt look on his face as
    she arranged her skirts around her legs.
    “Why do you run?” he asked and deliberately licked his lips.
    Her hungry gaze followed the tip of his tongue, and she cleared her throat. “This isn’t
    about my pleasure.”
    Sitting back on his haunches, his cock stood thick and proud from between his muscled
    thighs. Oh Gods, would it feel good to straddle him and ride him until they both passed out.
    His lips quirked in a mean smile. “Well, it certainly isn’t about my pleasure.”
    She lifted her chin as she smoothed the folds of her gown in a nervous gesture. Her body
    clamored for release, and she widened her stance to keep her thighs from rubbing together. This
    was going so horribly wrong. He should be the one sweating and begging right now.

    Devnar took in a deep breath, tasting her musk and want. She had slipped back into her
    role as a breaker, but for a brief moment he had seen the soft woman who lay beneath all that
    black leather. He knew she wanted him badly. Her little pussy was terribly

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