Early Irish Myths and Sagas

Read Online Early Irish Myths and Sagas by Jeffrey Gantz - Free Book Online

Book: Early Irish Myths and Sagas by Jeffrey Gantz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Gantz
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his own dwelling. Meet me tomorrow on the hill above the house.’ Ailill remained awake all night, but at the hour of the meeting he fell asleep, and he did not wake until the third hour of the following day. Étaín went to the hill, and the man she saw there waiting for her was like Ailill in appearance; he lamented the weakness his ailmenthad brought about, and the words he spoke were the words Ailill would have used. Ailill himself woke at the third hour, and he was giving vent to his sorrow when Étaín returned to the house. ‘Why so sad?’ she asked. ‘Because I made an appointment with you and was not there to meet you,’ Ailill replied. ‘Sleep overcame me, and I just now woke. It is clear that I am not yet well.’ ‘No matter,’ said Étaín, ‘for tomorrow is another day.’
    Ailill remained awake that night in front of a huge fire, with water nearby for splashing over his face. At the appointed hour, Étaín went to meet him, and again she saw the man who was like Ailill; she returned home and found Ailill weeping. Three times Étaín went to the hill, and three times Ailill failed to meet her; always, the man who looked like Ailill met her. ‘It is not you I am to meet,’ she said. ‘I come not to hurt or sin against the man I am to meet; I come rather to heal one who is worthy to be king of Ériu.’ ‘It would be more fitting for you to come to me,’ replied the man, ‘for when you were Étaín Echrade daughter of Ailill, I was your husband; I paid a great bride price for you by creating the plains and rivers of Ériu and by giving your weight in gold and silver to your father,’ ‘What is your name?’ Étaín asked. ‘Mider of Brí Léith.’ ‘And what is it that parted us?’ ‘The sorcery of Fúamnach and the spells of Bresal Etarlám.’ Mider said to Étaín, then, ‘Will you come with me?’ ‘I will not,’ she answered. ‘I will not exchange the king of Ériu for a man whose race and family I know nothing of.’ ‘It is I who made Ailill fall in love with you, so that his flesh and his blood fell from him; and it is I who quelled his desire to sleep with you, lest you be dishonoured. Will you come to my land with me if Echu bids you?’ ‘I will,’ said Étaín.
    She returned home, then, and Ailill said to her, ‘Good our meeting here, for I have been healed, and you have notbeen dishonoured.’ ‘Wonderful that,’ said Étaín. After that, Echu returned from his circuit; he rejoiced to find his brother alive, and he thanked Étaín for what she had done in his absence.
    One beautiful summer day, Echu Airem king of Temuir rose and climbed on to the rampart of Temuir to look out over Mag mBreg, and he saw the plain vibrant with colour and bloom of every hue. And when he looked round the rampart, he saw a strange young warrior. The man wore a scarlet tunic; golden yellow hair fell to his shoulders, and his eyes were sparkling grey. In one hand he carried a five-pointed spear; in the other he held a shield studded with a white boss and gold gems. Echu was silent, for he did not remember the stranger’s being in Temuir the previous evening, and at this hour the doors had not yet been opened.
    The stranger approached Echu, and Echu said ‘Welcome, young warrior whom I do not know.’ ‘It is for that I have come,’ said the warrior. ‘I do not recognize you,’ said Echu. ‘But I know you,’ said the warrior. ‘What is your name?’ asked Echu. ‘Not a famous one: Mider of Brí Léith.’ ‘What has brought you here?’ Echu asked. ‘The wish to play fid-chell with you,’ Mider replied. 7 ‘Indeed, I am good at fid-chell,’ answered Echu. ‘Let us see,’ said Mider. ‘The queen is asleep,’ said Echu, ‘and the fidchell set is with her in the house.’ ‘No worse the fidchell set I have with me,’ said Mider. True that: the board was of silver and the men were of gold, a precious stone glittered in each corner of the board, and the bag for the men was

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