E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction

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Book: E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction by Jessica Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Ward
Tags: Zombies
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different the world was starting to look. Without people around to maintain places such as these, they were deteriorating rapidly.
    We passed the glass fronted café Aldeli as Nick turned quickly into the petrol station.
    “What are you doing?” I asked him, looking around making sure we were alone.
    “Babe were nearly out of fuel, I don’t think we can make it all the way to Nantwich on what we’ve got left” He replied.
    I looked at Lacey and Paul in the back as I sunk back into my seat. “Great!” I thought to myself.
    I had already had enough excitement for one day; I didn’t think I could cope with anymore.
    Ryan pulled up behind us and got out the car. Checking all around him first, he shouted over to us. “I need to fill up too, but we need to get inside to switch the nozzles on."
    I turned my gaze to the station shop. It looked quiet enough. But the windows were steamed over from the inside, meaning we couldn’t see in.
    Leon made his way over to the door, wielding Ryan’s bat. He peered into the glass and looked over to us shaking his head.
    “I can’t see a thing.” he told us. He pulled open the door and poked his head around.
    “All clear so far” he shouted over. George and Nick started to unclip the nozzles and put them in the cars, ready for refuelling.
    Leon, Ryan and Paul made their way inside to switch on the pumps. The Professor, Lacey and I stayed on watch, making sure the area was clear.
    The rain was starting to clear up. The sky was already still its usual grey self. We never had much sun even in the summer. I rubbed my arms as I started to shiver.
    A few minutes later the nozzles clicked on. Nick and George quickly went about fuelling the cars. A few minutes after that, the boys in the station shop reappeared arms full of chocolate and crisps.
    Paul emptied his findings into our car. “Treats for the journey.” he told us, as he turned to go back for more.
    “It might be a good idea to find some plastic bags to put it in.” I told as he wandered back to the shop.
    “Oh yeah!” he said nodding, “I’ll find some."
    Leon and Ryan weren’t far behind him. Ryan picked up a Jerry Can on his way in and handed it to Nick. “Fill this up, just in case we need it.” Ryan told Nick. It was a smart idea. You never know when stuff like that comes in useful.
    Ryan was about to head back to his driver’s seat when we heard an almighty crash coming from the station shop. He grabbed some left over piping and ran into the store. Before Ryan had a chance to get to the door, Leon and Paul came out, both their T-Shirts covered in blood.
    “Found the petrol attendant.” Leon said handing Ryan his now blood covered bat.
    “Don’t worry, we took care of him, he didn’t get very far” Leon assured us.
    “Even so, I suggest we carry on with our journey?” George suggested his voice filled with concern. “We don’t know how many more of them could be out there” he finished.
    We all agreed and hopped back into the cars. With our petrol tank now full, we got back on our route.

Chapter 7 – The Long and Winding Road
    Armed with a magnitude of treats, we carried on our journey, towards the Venetian Marina.
    We kept to the back roads as much as possible. We didn't know what we were heading into or what was waiting for us, lurking in the shadows.
    The journey wasn't as straightforward as we had hoped. We encountered several roadblocks, obstructing our path ahead. Each time we turned around, our sat-nav recalculated our route.
    Various Car pile ups lengthened our journey considerably; the roads we were now traveling through became less and less familiar. We were now passing through the lesser known hamlets and villages around the Cheshire area.
    "How long have we got left now?" Lacey asked, as the sat-nav recalculated yet again.
    "45 minutes" Nick replied, slightly deflated.
    We had already been driving for half an hour and we were still no closer to the Marina. I was

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