E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction

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Book: E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction by Jessica Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Ward
Tags: Zombies
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quizzically at first; some even stepped forward to take a closer look. As they did, Nick inched the car forward. Unprepared for the new sudden movements they stepped back, as if they were deciding against it. Self-preservation was starting to reveal itself.
    It didn’t take us long to come out the other side unharmed. There were only a few houses around us, not much else. We pushed on down the winding country roads.
    The roads began to clear as we reached the less populated areas. Roadblocks became fewer and fewer. It didn’t take long before we were back on a main road.
    The scenery started to become familiar. As I looked around me, I managed to get my bearings. We back were on Holmes Chapel Road.
    We were driving along at a reasonable speed when we heard a loud pop from behind us.
    Nick checked his rear view mirror. The BMW behind us flashed us and pulled into the side of the road. We stopped a couple of yards in front and stepped out the car.
    We made our way over as the boys crowded the rear driver’s side tyre. There were a few houses in front of us, but all seemed quiet.
    “What happened?” Nick asked running over to the car.
    “Think we’ve had a blowout mate” Leon responded.
    The Professor and George were the last to get out the cars. They walked over to Lacey and I as we stood watch.
    “These fancy cars, not as reliable as they used to be” George scorned. “Did you not check the tyres before we set off” he added in for good measure.
    “It’s a blowout, could happen to anyone” Lacey responded sharply.
    For a girl, she knew a lot about cars. I was useless. It took me over a year to figure out how to open the bonnet. I couldn’t even stand putting fuel in the car. That was Nick’s job he always did it for me. I was always so scared I would put the wrong type of fuel in. My old car was petrol, the Quashqai was diesel, I was scared I would revert back to my old ways and start pumping it full of petrol, then would have to face a £250 charge for someone to come out and syphon it all out for me.
    It didn’t stop there; I almost took my car to the mechanics when it had run out of screen wash. I never knew it was a fill it yourself job.
    I was pretty much useless. Lacey on the other hand, well she knew just from the noise the car was making, what the problem was. She was a lot more practical than I was.
    The boys seemed to be having a bit of trouble. The tyre was nowhere near drivable, it was completely shredded. To make matters worse there was no spare tyre in the back.
    “What are we going to do now? We can’t all fit in that one” Nick said pointing over to the 3 series.
    “Well we can’t drive this one, that’s for sure” Ryan answered.
    They all looked at each other, trying to figure out the next step.
    “Have you checked for a spare in the other car?” Lacey shouted over.
    They all looked up, as the light bulb finally clicked on. Nick and Leon hurried over to the 3 series and popped open the boot. Sure enough, there was a spare.
    “I’m surrounded by idiots” Lacey sighed as she cracked a smile.
    The boys got to work jacking up the car as Ryan and Leon removed the bolts from the old tyre, as the four of us looked on.
    “We shouldn't be too far away now.” George told us. “All being well” he added.
    “But then what?” I asked.
    I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s all well and good finding this boat and sailing off into the sunset. But what about afterwards? Where would we go? I didn’t know the first thing about the canal systems; I had no idea where it would take us. Plus, how did we know where was safe. We couldn’t stay there forever; sooner or later we would have to stop off. It was safe to say, I wasn’t convinced. But it was the best plan we had, in fact it was the only plan we had.
    “Then… we see where it takes us” The Professor answered. I was starting to grow fond of the Professor. He always kept his hopes up; he was always jolly and optimistic. He had a great

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