Dying Days 2

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Book: Dying Days 2 by Armand Rosamilia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Armand Rosamilia
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could be heard before the camera was turned off.
    "I don't follow," Darlene admitted.
    "It picked up a chair and used it as a weapon."
    Darlene stood and joined him. "Back at the stilt house, some of them figured out how to pull the barricade down. And when their comrades fell, they pulled them out of the way instead of tripping over them."
    "Really? Excellent," Russ said excitedly. "I'll have to get a full report from you for the files. I wish I had a working camera."
    "How is that excellent? That's frightening. They're getting smarter, learning…"
    "Or perhaps remembering? I'm not yet sure which. That could prove to be important."
    Darlene sat back down. "If they begin to outsmart us, we'll have no hope. We're all assuming they'll be easy to kill one at a time, or they'll simply rot, run out of food, and we'll rebuild."
    Russ put out his hand. "Come with me."
    "Do I want to?"
    "No, but you need to."
    They went back to the hallway and entered the original door they'd stopped at.
    Russ opened the door and hit the light-switch. Strapped to a table in the center of the room, similar to the setup Russ used for Darlene, was a female zombie. She fought her bonds but she couldn't move.
    Darlene didn't want to go in.
    "It's fine, she's been here for months."
    "How is that possible?"
    "I'll show you." Russ escorted Darlene to the zombie's feet. Both were severed just above the ankle. "Notice the blue lines."
    Darlene saw a thick blue line, several inches above the cuts, on both legs. "Okay."
    Russ pulled a pen from his pocket and touched the blue line before gliding the pen down to the wound. "When I secured her, she had no feet. I marked the tip of the stumps with the blue marker. That was seven months, two weeks and three days ago."
    "They are learning," Russ said, "And they are regenerating. They will not rot and fade away."
    Chapter Ten
    David scooped the last three ibuprofen from his pocket and sucked them down his throat without water. He didn't have time for this tonight. His wife was going to kill him, but he had a job to do. One he hated right now.
    He knocked on the door of the tour bus, ignoring the giant Steve 'The Breeze' Brack face smiling at him. Actually, it was more leering than anything else, the four-foot tall painting of his head looming.
    The driver answered the door, stinking of booze. He simply stared at David through bloodshot eyes.
    "I need to speak to your boss." David wanted this over quickly.
    "He's busy entertaining."
    "This bus needs to move from this spot."
    "It's not hurting anyone. In fact, we shared some food with the locals today," Mike said and scratched his crotch, which was in line with David's face.
    David looked away. Asshole. "Get Steve out here, please."
    "I told you, he's busy." Mike winked. "At last count there were three in there with him. I bailed after the first. I'm too drunk and need some sleep." Mike started to close the door.
    David, now thoroughly pissed, stepped up and pushed his way past the drunken driver. "Looks like you were robbed."
    The inside of the tour bus was a mess. Empty beer bottles, the smell of burnt hot dogs, cheap cologne, and various women's clothing items hanging from chairs, curtains, and a red thong in the sink added to the sense of chaos.
    Mike grinned. "He's in the master bedroom."
    David walked down the short hall, stepping over an empty whiskey bottle. He knocked lightly on the closed door.
    A woman giggled.
    David knocked louder. "Steve?"
    "Mike, bring us more wine." A different girl giggled. "And grapes, do we have grapes?"
    David wanted to spend a quiet evening with his wife, get a drink at Kimberly's Bar, and go home and relax. He slammed his palm on the door. "Steve, we need to talk."
    After a pause Steve laughed. "Come in."
    David opened the door but didn't enter.
    Steve, completely nude, was spread-eagle on the bed. A naked young brunette had his manhood buried

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